
Page:58 :Meaning of Al-Hamd (ألحمد):Difference between the word ألله and الإله:Meaning of the word "Ar-Rob" (ألرب):Meaning of the word Al-A'lam(العالم)

 Page: 58 Jubran Masud described in his dictionary: ألحمد: ألثناء على صفة حسنة أو عطاء أو نحو ذالك   Al-Hamd ( ألحمد ) means -to praise for any good qualitie or gift or something similar. (Ref.1) Muhammad Ali As-Sabuni described in his Tafsir: ألحمد : ألثناء بالجميل على جهة التعظيم والتبجيل مقرونا بالمحبة وهو نقيض الذم وأعم من الشكر لأن الشكر يكون مقابل النعمة بخلاف الحمد     Al-Hamd ( (ألحمد means – to admire the beautiful in the form of glory and respect mixed with love. The Antonym of Al-Hamd is Az-Zamm (Condemnation). Al-Hamd is more general than Ash-Shukr (Thanks), because Ash-Shukr is used in return for blessing, unlike Al-Hamd. (Ref.2) Difference between the word ألله and الإله :                                              ...

Page-57:Praise applies to seven things in Akhirah: When should one say “Al-Hamdu Lillah” (ألحمد لله)?Discussion on the word: لله :The letterل “Li” is used in different meanings:

 Page-57 Praise applies to seven things in Akhirah:   1. When the inmates of the grave are resurrected and will remain in the grave standing up for three hundred years, sweat holds them back and they will be called for the reckoning, at that time Mumins will say – " ألحمد لله" all praise for Allah. Allah the Almighty said: “And all praise is for Allah in Akhirah”. (Saba-1) 2. When the reckoning is over,  Mumins  will say- " ألحمد لله" all praise is for Allah. Allah the high said: “And He judged among them with justice and it shall be said: All praise is for Allah the Rob of All worlds. (Az-Zumar-75) 3. When the two paths are distinguished, the path of the Righteous people from the path of the sinners,  Mumins  will say- " ألحمد لله" all praise is for Allah. Allah the High said:   “All praise is for Allah, who saved us from the wrong-doing people . (Al-Mumemenun-28) 4. When M umins  pass the Sirat (Path over Jahannam), get the scent ...

Page-56:Meaning of Al-Hamd(الحمد):Hamd is of two types: Saying “Alhamdulillah” is a great virtue for a Mumin:

 Page:56 Ibn Jarir described in his tafsir with a chain of the narrators that  Ibn Abbas said:   :   قال إبن عباس الحمد هو الشكر لله والإستخذاء لله والإقرار بنعمته وهدايته وإبتدائه وغير ذالك - أن دخولهما (ألف ولام) فى الحمد منبيىئ عن أن معناه جميع المحامد والشكر الكامل لله ألحمد  means- thanking ِ Allah, submitting to Him, acknowledging His blessings, guidance, initiation, and other things. For Alif Lam in ألحمد  means -All praises and complete thanks to Allah..(Ref.1) Praise applies to seven things in Akhirah:   1. When the inmates of the grave are resurrected and will remain in the grave standing up for three hundred years, sweat holds them back and they will be called for the reckoning, at that time Mumins will say – " ألحمد لله" all praise for Allah. Allah the Almighty said: “And all praise is for Allah in Akhirah”. (Saba-1) 2. When the reckoning is over, Mumins will say- " ألحمد لله" all praise is for Allah. Allah the high s...

Page-55:Al-Mafulu Bihi (ألمفعول به):What is Al-Badl (البدل)?What is Majrur (المجرور)?Why مضارع is used for present and future tense?Why is the word نعبد (We perform Ibadat) mentioned before نستعين (We seek help)?The words of Surah Fatiha and their meanings:

 Page-54 Al-Mafulu Bihi ( ألمفعول به ) : ما وقع عليه فعل الفاعل –مثل: يخاف المؤمن ربه      On which the act of the subject falls is called Al-Mafulu Bihi( ألمفعول به ). For example: A Mumin fears his Rab. The word “Rab” is Al-Mafulu Bihi or the simple verbal object.   (In other words: What a subject فاعل - (Noun or pronoun) does in a sentence is called an object or به مفعول (The simple verbal object) (Ref.1) What is Al-Badl ( البدل )?          تطلق كلمة البدل فى اللغة على العوض أما فى إصطلاح النحاة فالبدل هو ألتابع المقصود بالحكم بلا واسطة ومعنى هذا ان البدل هو الذى يتجه إليه المعنى الذى تتضمنه الجملة وأن المبدل منه ما هو إلا تمهيد له وأن البدل يأتى بعد المبدل منه مباشرة أى دون أى فصل يفصل بينهما      ( ذكر البدل بعد المبدل منه كذكر الجملة مرتين مرة مجملة ومرة محددة وبذالك يقوى معناها ويزدد رسوخا فى الذهن) In Arabic Dictionary the word Al-Badl refers to the word substitute. But in the grammari...