Page-54:Syntax or sentence structure of Surah Al-Fatiha: What is Mubni (ألمبنى)?What is Ismul F’el(إسم الفعل or a verb as like a noun?
Page-53 Syntax or sentence structure of Surah Al-Fatiha: " الحمد" is Mubtada مبتداء) or nominative subject. See page 48), Lamاللام -Harful Jar –Mubni with Kasrah (حرف الجر or a letter gives Kasrah. See page 32), the word of Majesty “Allah” is Majrur مجرور) or the word received Kasrah. See page 52) Harful Jar+ Majrur= Muta’lleq(متعلق) or related to the word kept hidden i.e ثابت means -Settled/Fixed, which is نائب الفاعل or proxy subject- Jar+majrur+ Muta’lleq+ نائب الفاعل or proxy subject=Mawsuf (موصوف -See page -04) الرب Mudaf (مضاف) and العالمين Mudaf Ilaihe (مضاف إليه) - Mudaf+ Mudaf Ilaihe=First Sifat(See page-04) ألرحمن 2nd Sifat, ألرحيم3rd Sifat مالك Mudaf يوم Mudaf Ilaihe ألدين Mudaf Ilaihe-Mudaf+Mudaf Ilaihe + Mudaf Ilaihe= 4th Sifat of the word of Majesty “Allah”. Mausuf+ 4 Sifats=Al-Khabr (الخبر or predicate of الحمد Mutada or nominal subject). Then Mubtada (مبتداء) + Khabr (خبر) = nominal sentence (ألجملة الإسمية). إياك - (...