Page 44 :To recite Sura Al-Fatiha in Salah is Wajib: Why reciting Surah Fatiha is not Fard (فرض) or mandatory in Salah ? What is Khabrul Wahed?
To recite Sura Al-Fatiha in Salah is Wajib: Burhan Uddin Abul Hasan Ali Ibn Abi Bakr Al-Marginani described in his book: فقرأة الفاتحة لاتتعين ركنا عندنا وكذا ضم السورة إليها “ Recitation of Sura Fatiha in Salah is not Rukn or Fard to us (To the Mujtahids of Hanafi Mazhab). Similarly adding another Sura to it is not Rukon or Fard of Salah”. (It means - reciting another surah with it is not Ford ( فرض ) of Salah). Because Allah the almighty said: فاقرؤا ما تيسر من القرأن “So, you recite what is easy (For you) from the Quran” (Al-Muzammel-20) فقلنا بوجوبهما “So, we (The Mujtahids of Hanafi Mazhab) said, that the recitation of Sura Fatiha and any other Suras or Ayats with this Surah is Wajib”. " ٍ So the opinion of the Mujtahids of Hanafi Mazhab is to recite an Ayats of the Quran in Salah is Rukn (Fard) of Salah. Abdul Hai Al-Lakhnuwi said in the explanation of the book “Bidayatul Mubtadi”: فذهب علماءنا إلى ركنية قرأة أية “So the Mujtahids of Hanafi Mazhab...