Page-41- Use of the word Surah (السورة) in the Quran: The arrangement of Ayats and Suras in the Quran was by directions of Rasul (Sm.):The number of Ayats, words, and letters of Sura Al-Fatihah:When Surah Fatiha is recited, Allah answers the reciter:
3. وإذا أنزلت سورة أن أمنوا بالله وجاهدوا مع رسوله إستأذنك أولوا الطول منهم وقالوا ذرنا نكن مع القاعدين “Whenever a Surah is revealed describing that you put faith in Allah and do Jihad with His Rasul, those who have the ability and capacity (For Jihad) of them sought permission from you (Permission for being exempted from Jihad), and they said: leave us, we will be with those who will sit back at home.” (At-Tawbah-86) Muhammad Ali As-Sabuni said in his Tafsir: “ أولوا الطول منهم" أى أولوا الغنى ومال الكثير - أولوا الطول means- The wealthy people” (Ref.1) 4. وإذا ما أنزلت سورة فمنهم من يقول أيكم زادته هذه إيمانا فأما الذين أمنوا فزادتهم إيمانا وهم يستبشرون “And whenever a Surah is revealed, some of the Munafiqs say –who among you has this Sura increased Iman? Mumins get their Iman increased, while they get the good news.” (At-Tawbah-124) 5. وإذاما أنزلت سورة نظر بعضهم إلى بعض هل يرىكم من أحد ثم إنصرفوا صرف الله قلوبهم بأنهم قوم لايفقهون “Whenever a Surah is revea...