Page -17 : Evidence for the existence of Jinn :Types of Jinn: Jinns and Satans eat, drink and give birth to offspring:
Evidence for the existence of Jinn: Abdul Karim Nawfan Ubaidat said in his book : ورد لفظ الجن فى القران الكريم فى ايات كثيرة وسميت باسمهم سورة هى سورة الجن وورد فى السنة المطهرة كذالك ذكر الجن فى مواضع متعددة وكل ذالك يدل على اهمية هذا المخلوق اذ انه يشاطر الانس فى التكليف قال تعالى (وما خلقت الانس والجن الا ليعبدون) " The word jinn is mentioned in the Qur’an in many Ayats, and a Surah is named in their names, that is Surah Al-Jinn. Similarly, it was mentioned in the pure Sunna in numerous places. and all of these indicate the importance of this creature since it shares the assignment with mankind. The Almighty said: (And I created mankind and the jinn only to perform my Ibadat( Az-Zariat-56). All these prove the existence of Jinn. To disbelieve Jinn is tantamount to disbelieving the Quran. " (Ref.1) قال الشيخ ابوالعباس ابن تيمية لم يخالف احد من طوائف المسلمين فى وجود الجن Abul Abbas Ibn Taymiyyah said, “No one among the Muslim sects disagreed with ...