
Page -17 : Evidence for the existence of Jinn :Types of Jinn: Jinns and Satans eat, drink and give birth to offspring:

Evidence for the existence of Jinn: Abdul Karim Nawfan Ubaidat said in his book : ورد لفظ الجن فى القران الكريم فى ايات كثيرة وسميت باسمهم سورة هى سورة الجن وورد فى السنة المطهرة كذالك ذكر الجن فى مواضع متعددة وكل ذالك يدل على اهمية هذا   المخلوق اذ انه يشاطر الانس فى التكليف قال تعالى (وما خلقت الانس والجن الا ليعبدون)     " The word jinn is mentioned in the Qur’an in many Ayats, and a Surah is named in their names, that is Surah Al-Jinn. Similarly, it was mentioned in the pure Sunna in numerous places. and all of these indicate the importance of this creature since it shares the assignment with mankind. The Almighty said: (And I created mankind and the jinn only to perform my Ibadat( Az-Zariat-56). All these prove the existence of Jinn. To disbelieve Jinn is tantamount to disbelieving the Quran. " (Ref.1) قال الشيخ ابوالعباس ابن تيمية لم يخالف احد من طوائف المسلمين فى وجود الجن Abul   Abbas Ibn Taymiyyah said, “No one among the Muslim sects disagreed with ...

Page-16 :Children of Iblis : Two dangerous times for children:Why do dogs bark at night and donkeys bray? Who are Jinns?

Children of Iblis: Allah the Almighty said: افتتخذونه وذريته اولياء من دونى “Will you then take him (Iblis) and his offspring as friends instead of me?”(Al-Kahf-50) قال القرشى وحدثنا بشر ابن الوليد الكندى حدثنا محمد بن طلحة عن زيد ابن مجاهد قال لابليس خمسة من ولده قد جعل كل واحد منهم على شيء من امره ثم سماهم فذكر ثبر والاعورومسوط وداسم وزلنبور فاما ثبر فهو صاحب المعصيات الذى يأمر بالثبور وشق الجيوب ولطم الخدود ودعوى الجاهلية واما الاعور فهو صاحب الزنا الذى يامر به ويزينه واما مسوط فهو صاحب الكذب الذى يسمع فيلقى الرجل فيخبره بالخبر فيذهب الرجل الى القوم فيقول لهم قد رايت رجلا اعرف وجهه ولاادرى ما اسمه حدثنى بكذا وكذا واما داسم فهو الذي يدخل مع الرجل الى اهله يريد العيب فيهم ويغضبه عليهم واما زلنبور فهو صاحب السوق الذى يركز رايته فى السوق    “Al-Qurashi said: Bashar Ibnul Walid Al-Kindi told us, Muhammad bin Talha told us, on the authority of Zaid Ibn Mujahid. He said: Iblis has five sons. He made each of them do something of his matter, then he named them- Thabr, A’war, ...

Page-15 : Where does Iblis live?: Satan makes a disturbance in Salah: Who is Iblis?

Where does Iblis live? حدثنا ابو احمد حدثنا سفيان عن ابى الزبيرعن جابر عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال عرش ابليس على البحر يبعث                                                                                             سراياه فاعظمهم عنده منزلة اعظمهم فتنة   Abu Ahmad told us, Sufyan told us, on the authority of Abu Zubair, on the authority of Jabir, on the authority of Allah’s Rasul (Sm.), he (Sm.) said:    ”The throne (Seat) of Iblis is on the sea, he sends his troops (from there). The greatest of them to him in rank is he who is the ...

Page-14 : Prayer (دعاء) about Seeking Refuge in Allah (الاستعاذة) at the time of entering the toilet: Who is Satan?The meaning of Sajdah(ألسجدة) (Prostration) to Adam (A.): Animals see the Satans :Iblis leads in sinful activities:

Prayer ( دعاء ) about Seeking Refuge in Allah ( الاستعاذة ) at the time of entering the toilet:    كان النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم اذا دخل الخلاء قال اللهم انى أعوذ بك من الخبث والخبائث   “When Nabi (Sm.) enters into the toilet, he (Sm.) used to say-     اللهم انى اعوذ بك من الخبث والخبائث      “Oh Allah, indeed I seek refuge in you from malignant male and female Satans.”   (Ref.1)   (The Muslim scholars of our beloved country –Bangladesh - recommend reciting أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم when a person enters into a dark room, starts a meeting, walks into an uncertain situation, walks to a dangerous place, sees a biting dog is running towards him, sees an aggressive cow is running towards him, etc. Particularly when someone feels rag or angry or faces any dangers and difficulties, he has to recite this great sentence. ) Who is Satan ? Ibn Aqil Said: والشياطين العصاة من الجن وهم ولد ابليس والمردة اعتاهم واغواهم وهم اعوان ابليس ينفذون...

Page -13 :Prayer (دعاء) about Seeking Refuge in Allah (الاستعاذة) from different bad qualities: : Allah the almighty said about extreme old age:

Prayer ( دعاء ) about Seeking Refuge in Allah ( الاستعاذة ) from different bad qualities:  اللهم انى اعوذ بك من الهم والحزن والعجز والكسل والبخل والجبن وضلع الدين وغلبة الرجال a. “O Allah, I seek refuge in you from the worry, anxiety, incapability, laziness, miserliness, cowardice, the burden of debt and from the predominance of men (people).”(Ref. 1 )   (“predominance of the men” means- I seek refuge in you from making me under the domination of such people that I have no power to resist them”.) اللهم انى اعوذ بك من البخل واعوذ بك من الجبن واعوذ بك ان ارد الى ارذل العمر واعوذ بك من قتنة الد نيا واعوذ بك من عذاب القبر                b.“O Allah, I seek refuge in You from miserliness; cowardice; being sent back to very humiliating old age; the temptation of this world and seek refuge in You from the torment of the grave.”(Ref. 2 )    اللهم انى اعوذ بك من العجزوالكسل والجبن والبخل الهرم واعوذ بك من عذاب القبر ...