Page:58 :Meaning of Al-Hamd (ألحمد):Difference between the word ألله and الإله:Meaning of the word "Ar-Rob" (ألرب):Meaning of the word Al-A'lam(العالم)

 Page: 58

Jubran Masud described in his dictionary: ألحمد: ألثناء على صفة حسنة أو عطاء أو نحو ذالك 

Al-Hamd (ألحمد) means -to praise for any good qualitie or gift or something similar. (Ref.1)

Muhammad Ali As-Sabuni described in his Tafsir:

ألحمد : ألثناء بالجميل على جهة التعظيم والتبجيل مقرونا بالمحبة وهو نقيض الذم وأعم من الشكر لأن الشكر يكون مقابل النعمة بخلاف الحمد 

 Al-Hamd ((ألحمد means – to admire the beautiful in the form of glory and respect mixed with love. The Antonym of Al-Hamd is Az-Zamm (Condemnation). Al-Hamd is more general than Ash-Shukr (Thanks), because Ash-Shukr is used in return for blessing, unlike Al-Hamd. (Ref.2)

Difference between the word ألله and الإله:                                                             

ألفرق بين الله والإله أن الأول إسم علم  للذات المقدسة ذات البرى جل وعلى ومعناه المعبود بحق والثانى معناه المعبود بحق أو باطل فهو إسم يطلق على الله تعالى وعلى غيره    

The difference between Allah and Al-Ilah is that Allah is the name of the holy being who is the Holy, the Glorified, and the Almighty. Allah means the being who is rightly worthy of Ibadah and Al-Ilah means the being who is rightly or wrongly worthy of Ibadah. So, Al-Ilah is a name used for Allah and other things and beings besides Allah. ( The word Allah is never used for any falsehood). (Ref.2)

Discussion on the word:  ألرب (The word Rabb (رب) is Mausuf (موصوف) of the word Allah, so Alif Lam is added to Rob just like Allah, because if Alif Lam is added to Musuf, then the same Alif Lam is also added to Sifat (صفة). So, this Alif Lam has no meaning).

Ibn Manzur described in his book:

ألرب هو الله عز وجل هو رب كل شئ أى مالكه وله الربوبية على جميع الخلق لا شريك له وهو رب الأرباب ومالك الملوك ولا يقال الرب فى غير الله إلا بالإضافة وقد قالوه فى الجاهلية للملك ورب كل شئ مالكه ومستحقه وكل من ملك شيئا فهو ربه يقال هو رب الدابة ورب الدار وفى حديث أشراط الساعة وأن تلد الأمة ربها قال وأراد به فى هذا الحديث المولى أو السيد يعنى أن الأمة تلد لسيدها ولدا فيكون المولى لها  قال الرب يطلق فى اللغة على المالك والسيد والمدبر والمربى والقيم والمنعم   وفى حديث إجابة المؤذن أللهم رب هذه الدعوة  أى صاحبها والجمع أرباب وربوب قال إبن الأنباري ألرب ينقسم على ثلاثة أقسام يكون الرب المالك ويكون الرب السيد المطاع قال الله تعالى أما أحدكما  فيسقى ربه خمرا اى سيده ويكون الرب المصلح رب الشئ إذا أصلحه  

The Rabb, He is Allah, to whom belong might and majesty, He is the Rabb of everything, that is, its owner. To Him belongs Lordship over all creation. He has no partner. He is the Lord of lords and king of the kings. The word “Ar-Rabb” is not used for anyone other than Allah except in addition to another word.  Arabian people used this word to the king in the pre-Islamic era or the Age of Ignorance. Rabb of everything means its owner and the one who deserves it. And everyone who owns something is Rabb. It is said in Arabic: He is the Rabb of the animal and the Rabb of the house. (It means, he is the owner of the animal and the house). In the Hadith regarding the signs of Qiamah (The day of resurrection, one of them is) “And that the female slave will give birth to her Rabb, Ibn Manzur said: Our beloved Prophet (Sm.) meant by Rabb in this Hadith the Master or Lord (Of the slave). It means, the female slave will give birth to a child of her Master and that child will be her Master.  Ibn Manzur said: In the Arabic language, the word Rabb means- the owner, the master, the planner, the nurturer, the guardian, the keeper, and the benefactor. In the Hadith regarding Muezzin’s answer, أللهم رب هذه الدعوة O Allah, the Rabb of this call, means, owner of this call.(Bukhari-Hadith-114- Kitabul Azan باب الدعاء عند النداء) The plural of Rabb is Arbab(أرباب) and Rubub(ربوب). Ibn Al-Anbari said: The Rabb is of three kinds. 1. The Rabb means the owner. 2. The Rabb means the Master who is obeyed. Allah Almighty said: “The first one of you serves wine to his Rabb,” (Yusuf-41) which means his Master. 3. The Rabb who reforms. As it is said in Arabic:The Rabb of a thing if he reforms it. (Ref.3)

It is described in the dictionary ألقاموس عربى إنكليزى:

ألرب: الله الواحد الأحد  Rabb: Allah the one and only. رب العائلة: Head of family, master, householder, family man.  رب العمل: Employer, master, principal.  رب: سيد Rabb: Lord, Master. رب: مالك  Rabb: Owner, possessor, proprietor, holder, endowed with, having. (Ref.4)

It is described in the book named. مختار الصحاح:

رب كل شئ مالكه والرب إسم من أسماء الله تعالى ولا يقال فى غيره إلا بالاضافة وقد قالوه فى الجاهلية للملك: Rabb of everything means its owner and the Rabb is one of the names of Allah the Almighty and it is not used for anything else except with an addition.  Arabian people said it to the king in the pre-Islamic era (Ref.5)

It is described in the book مفرادات ألفاظ القران للراغب ألإصفهانى:

ألرب فى الأصل التربية وهو إنشاء الشئ حالا فحالاإلى حد التمام

The word “Rob” refers to At-Tarbiyah or nurturing, which means to create a thing step by step to the point of completion. (Ref.6) (The actual word used in the Qur'an and in Sahih Al-Bukhãri is Rabb. There is no proper equivalent for this word in English language. It means the One and the Only Rabb for the entire universe, its Creator, Owner, Organizer, Provider, Master, Planner, Sustaine, Cherisher, and Giver of security, etc. Rabb is also one of the Names of Allah. I have used the word "Rabb" as it is pronounced in Arabic).

Meaning of العالمين:                                   

Ibn Manzur described in his book: والعالم: ألخلق كله وقال الزجاج: معنى العالمين: كل ما خلق الله كما قال الله تعالى: وهو رب كل شيئ ألانعام 164 والعالم: ألخلق كله وقال الزجاج: معنى العالمين: كل ما خلق الله كما قال الله تعالى: وهو رب كل شيئ ألانعام 164       

العالم: Means –all types of the creation. Zujaj said: العالمين means: everything that Allah created, as Allah the Almighty said:  “And He is the Rob (رب) of everything”. (Al-An’am- 164) (Ref.7)

References :( المراجع)

1. رائد الطلاب-Page: 381, author- Juran Masud

2. صفوة التفاسير, Volume -1, page-27, Author Muhammad Ali As-Sabuni

3. لسان العرب, Volume-1, page-399, 400 &401 - فصل الباء writer- Abul Fadl  Jamaluddin Muhammad Ibn Mukarram Ibn Manzur Al-Afriqi Al-Misri, printed by دار صادر بيروت

4.   ألقاموس عربى إنكليزىPage-434

5. مختار الصحاح - باب الراء page-96

6. Mufradatu Alfazil Quran, Page-336, Author Ar-Ragib Al-Ispihani

7. لسان العرب, Volume-12, page-420, &421- فصل الميمwriter- Abul Fadl  Jamaluddin Muhammad Ibn Mukarram Ibn Manzur Al-Afriqi Al-Misri, printed by دار صادر بيروت                                   Page-57


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