Page-50: Grammatical Discussion On Surah Al-Fatiha:As-Sarf(الصرف or the transformation of words: What is An-Nahwu(ألنحو) The chapters on verb forms):( أبواب الأوزان للأفعال)
Grammatical Discussion On Surah Al-Fatiha:
Grammatical discussion means the discussion on Nahwu(ألنحو) and Sarf (
As-Sarf( (الصرف or
the transformation of words:
الصرف هو تحويل الاسم من المفرد إلى المثنى نحو ولد ولدان أو
تحويل فعل الماضى
على المضارع والأمر نحو كتب يكتب أكتب ولا يدخل
فيه الحروف ولا الأسماء المتوغلة فى البناء نحو سيبوية ورقاش
It’s a word-formation process, in which a noun is
converted from first person singular number to a second person, such as ولد ولدان and a transformation of the verb of past
tense to the verb of future tense and imperative word such as
كتب يكتب أكتب. The preposition or intrusive nouns in structure remain out of this
transformation, such as سيبوية ورقاش
(In a nutshell -Sarf is the knowledge by
which the process of word formulation (الصيغة) and the method of
converting one word into another is known.)
What is An-Nahwu(ألنحو) :
ألنحو علم بأصول يعرف بها
أواخر الكلم الثلث أى الإسم والفعل والحرف من حيث الإعراب والبناء وكيفية تركيب
بعضها مع بعض
An-Nahu is the knowledge of the rules by which the
Irab الإعراب (Symbol
of vowel sounds like Fatha, kasra Damma etc.) of the last letter of nouns,
verbs and prepositions (الحرف) is understood. By
which the structure of words and how some words relate to others are also
understood. (The definition of Harkat الحركات is described on page 04)
What is Harf (ألحرف)
ألحرف كلمة لا تدل على معنى فى نفسها وألفعل كلمة تدل على معنى فى نفسها ويقترن
معناها بأحد الأزمنة الثلاثة وألإسم
كلمة تدل على معنى فى نفسها غير مقترن
بأحد الأزمنة الثلاثة أى الماضى والحال
A preposition(ألحرف)
is a word that has no meaning on its own, a verb has a meaning related to one
of the three tenses and a noun is a word that indicates its meaning without any
relation to the three tenses of present past and future. (The root letters (مادة) of most Arabic words are three, which can
be transformed into one of the 42 verbs’ forms of the 42 chapters
(أبواب). Every chapter for forming the verbs from the root words is a باب. The learners of the Arabic language need
to memorise all these forms of verbs with their meanings). (Ref.2)
Ibn Manzur Al-Afriki Al-Misri described in his book:
والباب معروف والفعل
منه التبويب والجمع أبواب وبيبان
The word باب
is known in Arabic and the verb from it is التبويب.
Its plural is أبواب and بيبان - (In the context of As-Sarf (ألصرف),
some chapters are there for the transformation of the words by the different
structures of the verbs. Those structures are named like نصر ينصر- باب ضرب يضرب- باب سمع يسمع باب etc.) (Ref.3)
The chapters on verb forms ( أبواب الأوزان للأفعال):
All the verbs and
Asmai Mutamakkinah(The nouns compounded with the others in such a way that the
provider of Irab(عامل) does exist over
there and doesn’t bear resemblance to the Mubni or a word that doesn't take any
change of vowel marks of its last letter) are of two kinds based on the root
letters: Three-letter words (ثلا ثى)and
four-letter words (رباعى ).
ثلاثى Thulathi is a verb of past tense which
consists of three root letters. For example- نصر- ضرب
Rubai is a verb of past tense which consists of four root letters. For
example- بعثر -عرقب
ثلاثى Thulathi is of two kinds.
Thulati Mujarrad (ثلاثى
مجرد)Thulathi Mazid Fih (ثلاثى مزيد فيه)
1. Thulathi Mujarrad (ثلاثى
مجرد) is a past tense verb with no
additional root letters. For example-حمد
- منع.
2. Thulathi
Mazid Fih (ثلاثى مزيد فيه) is
a past tense verb with additional root letters. For example-إجتنب أكرم
Thulati Mujarrad (ثلاثى
مجرد) also is of two types: 1. شاذ2. مطرد
Muttared: This is the most commonly used form of the verb. For example-ضرب-
Shaz: It is a less-used form of
the verb.For example-
Muttared (مطرد-Regular):
It has got 5 chapters(خمسة أبواب )
1. This chapter(باب)
comes in the form of فعل (Fatah on عين as a verb of past tense)and يفعل
(Dammah on عين as a verb of the
present /future tense
(مضارع) e-i نصر (He helped) ينصر (He helps/He will help)
2. This chapter (باب)
comes in the form of فعل (Fatah on عين as a verb of past tense )and يفعل Kasrah under عين as
a verb of the present /future tense
(مضارع) e-i ضرب(He beat ) يضرب (He beats/He will beat ).
3. This chapter (باب)
comes in the form of فعل (Kasrah under عين as a verb of past
tense)and يفعل Fatah on عين as a verb of the present /future tense (مضارع) e-i سمع (He heard)يسمع (He listens to/He
will listen to).
4. This chapter (باب)
comes in the form of فعل (Fatah on عين as a verb of past
tense)and يفعل Fatah on عين
as a verb of the present /future tense
(مضارع)e-iفتح (He opened)يفتح (He opens /He will open ).
5. This chapter (باب) comes in the form of فعل (Dammah on عين as
a verb of past tense)and يفعل Dammah on عين
as a verb of the present /future tense
(He respected )يكرم (He respects/He
will respect ).
Shaz ( شاذ
or irregular): It has got 3 chapters( ثلاثة أبواب
1. This chapter (باب) comes in the form of فعل (Kasrah under عين as
a verb of past tense)and يفعل Kasrah under عين
as a verb of the present /future tense
(He thought)يحسب (He
feels/He will feel).
2. This chapter (باب) comes in the form of فعل (Kasrah under عين as
a verb of past tense)and يفعل Dammah on عين
as a verb of the present /future tense
(مضارع)e-iفضل (He did more )يفضل (He does more/He will do more).
3. This chapter (باب)
comes in the form of فعل (Dammah on عين as a verb of past
tense)and يفعل Fatah on عين
as a verb of the present /future tense
(مضارع)e-iكاد (it almost happened )يكاد
(It almost happens/It will happen very soon). Thulathi
Mazid Fih (ثلاثى مزيد فيه) is of two kinds. 1. Thulathi
Muzid Fih Mulheq Bi-Rubai (ثلاثى مزيد فيه
ملحق برباعى): It has become a
four-letter verb for additional letters, but there is no change in its meaning
in terms of characteristics. For example: جلبب
(Jalbaba-He blew the sheet) (Ref.4)
References :( المراجع)
1. -المعجم المفصل فى علم الصرف
Page -174, Author- Raji Al-Asmar
2. هداية النحو “Hedayatun Nahwu” ,Page No.-4.
3. لسان العرب Ibn Manzur Al-Afriqi Al-Misri, Volume 1,
4. ’ميزان ومنشعب أردو مع تمرين و تعليق
-Author -مفتى محمد جاويد قاسمى سهارنفورى معين المدرسين
السابق- دار العلوم ديوبند –Page no-55 to 80
Page -49
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