Page-49:Alif - lam ( أل) in ألحمد:What is Ismul Fa’el?:What is Mubtada? What is Jam’ul Muzakkaris Salem: Reason for placing المفعول به (إياك) before the verb نعبد:Personal hidden pronoun Associated with the verb: ألضمير المتصل المستتر:What is Mafu’lu Bihi (ألمفعول به) ?What is a verb (ألفعل)?

 Mahfuz Ibn Ahmad Ibnul Hasan Abul Khattab Al-Kuluzani Al-Hanboli described in his book:

إذا دخل الألف واللام على الإسم المفرد كقوله السارق والزانى والقاتل فإ نه يقتضى الإستغراق  وبه قال أبو على الجبائى والجرجانى

“When الألف واللام comes with a singular noun, as in the saying السارق (The thief) القاتل (The killer), الزانى (The fornicator) it will require inclusiveness,(It means –this Alif Lam gives the meaning of inclusiveness of everything of the same group) and it is said by Abu Ali Al-Jabai and al-Jurjani”.(It means here–الألف واللام are used to include the entire group.) (Ref.1)

 What is Ismul Fa’el?:  إسم الفاعل ما إشتق أى إسم إشتق من فعل “The noun which is derived from the verb is called- إسم الفاعل” (Ismul Fa’el, it’s like a verbal noun or gerundial noun in English). (Ref.2)

What is Mubtada? فالمبتداء هو الإسم  المجرد عن العوامل اللفظية أى الذى لم يوجد فيه عامل لفظى أصلا    “The Mubtada is a simple noun which is empty from the provider of vowel marks i-e Fatha Dammah Kasra etc. It means –there is no word before it to provide Harkat to it.” (Ref.3)

"The word رب is مضاف and ألعلمين is مضاف إليه   . Then مضاف + مضاف إليه became الصفة الأولى or the 1st adjective phrase of the word of majesty -(ألله) Allah. (The noun that describes the quality of other nouns is called - adjective or الصفة and the qualified noun is called الموصوف). The word ألعلمين is a جمع المذكر السالم   . The word الرحمن is الصفة الثانية للفظ الجلالة the 2nd adjective phrase of the word of majesty -(ألله)  Allah and the word الرحيم is الصفة الثالثة للفظ الجلالة the 3rd  adjective phrase of the word of majesty -(ألله) Allah. The word مالك is مضاف and يوم is مضاف إليه and the word الدين is also مضاف إليه. Then مضاف + two مضاف إليه became  الصفة الرابعة or the 4th adjective phrase of the word of majesty -(ألله) Allah." (Ref.4)

What is Jam’ul Muzakkaris Salem (جمع المذكر السالم or the plural of the unchanged masculine word:

  والنون نحو مسلمون و مسلمين ما جمع بالواو والنون أو بالياء  “The plural which was formed with واو and نون  or يائ and نون at the end of its singular, for example- the plural of مسلم is مسلمون or مسلمين (Here the singular masculine word مسلم remains unchanged and نون also remains firm on Fathah ). (Ref.5) إياك  : إيا" ضمير منفصل مبنى على السكون فى محل نصب

والكاف حرف خطاب مبنى على الفتح                مفعول به مقدم للفعل "نعبد"

" إ يا " is a separate pronoun established on sukoon in place of Fatha as مفعول به, kept before the verb نعبد .

ك “is a letter of address established on Fatha.” (Ref.6) (It means- “ك “always be with Fatha).

Reason for placing المفعول به (إياك) before the verb نعبد:

وقد يتقدم المفعول به على الفعل العامل فيه لقوة الفعل فى العمل

 “ Sometimes المفعول به is placed before the verb acting in it due to the power of the verb in action”. (It means, the word إياك is placed before the verb نعبد to emphasise the verb). (Ref.6)

What is Mafu’lu Bihi (ألمفعول به) ?

هو ما وقع أى إسم ما وقع عليه فعل الفاعل Mafu’lu Bihi is a noun on which the action of the subject falls (Relates). والمراد بوقوع فعل الفاعل عليه تعلقه به بلا واسطة حرف الجر   “And the action of the subject falls on it”, means the subject’s relation to the action exists without حرف الجر. (Ref.7)

Dr. Jamil Ahmad Zafar described in his book:   وقد قدم ضمير المنفصل لإفادة الإختصاص والإهتمام

ضمير المنفصل is placed before the verb "نعبد" to give the benefit of specialization and importance. (Ref.8)

وقدم إياك على الفعل إهتماما وشان العرب تقديم الأهم  “The word إياك is placed before the verb نعبد to indicate the importance of the verb while the Arab’s nature is to place the most important (Subject) first”.(Ref.9)

فقال الخليل إيا إسم مضمر أضيف إلى ما بعده للبيان  “Renowned Arabic Grammarian Al-Khalil said: إيا is a pronoun that was added to what came after it for describing clearly.”(Ref.9)

  -"نعبد" is a verb of مضارع (Present or future tense). Here, the personal pronoun نحن is hidden, which is the فاعل or the subject of the verb نعبد. (Personal pronouns are the equivalent of the English- I, We, You, He, She, etc. These are in Arabicأنا- أنت نحن هو-هى    etc.) (Ref.10)

Personal hidden pronoun Associated with the verb: ألضمير المتصل المستتر:

Abul Hasan described in his book:      "هو" المستتر فى مثل "فعل"    والمتصل 

 This hidden personal pronoun is ألضمير المتصل المستتر (Hidden personal pronoun attached to a verb). For example, فعل  is a verb and the hidden personal pronoun attached to this verb isهو -which means” he”.(11)

What is a verb (ألفعل)?

ما دل على معنى فى نفسه مقترن بأحد الازمنة الثلاثة

الفعل or verb is a word that indicates itself a meaning associated with one of the three tenses is called.(12)

References :( المراجع)

1. ألتمهيد فى أصول الفقه ,Author-Maḥfūẓ ibn Aḥmad Ibnul Hasan Al- Kalwazani Al-Hambali, Page -53

2. Sharhe Molla Jami, Author –Nooruddin Abdur Rahman Ibn Ahmad Al-Jami, page no.233

3. Sharhe Molla Jami, Author –Nooruddin Abdur Rahman Ibn Ahmad Al-Jami, page no.54

4. إعراب القران الكريم Author-Dr. Mahmud Sulaiman Yaqut, Volume -1, page-21

5.Sharhe Molla Jami, Author –Nooruddin Abdur Rahman Ibn Ahmad Al-Jami, page no.30

6. Sharhe Jami Author –Nooruddin Abdur Rahman Ibn Ahmad Al-Jami, with Al-Farhun - Nami, by a board named Al-Madinatul Ilmiah, Page-200

7.Sharhe Molla Jami, Author –Nooruddin Abdur Rahman Ibn Ahmad Al-Jami, page no.72

8. ألنحو القرأنى قواعد وشواهد, Author-Dr. Jamil Ahmad Zafar, Page-87

9. تفسير الثعالبى ألموسوم بجواهر الحسان فى تفسير القرأنPage- 23,  Volume-1  Author-Abdur Rahman Ibn Muhammad Ibn Makhluf  As Sa’labi

10. إعراب القران الكريم Author-Dr. Mahmud Sulaiman Yaqut, Volume -1, page-21

11.  شرح جمل الزجاجى, Author –Abul Hasan Ali Ibn Mu’min Ibn Muhammad Ibn AliIbn A’sfur Al-Ishbeeli, Page no-148,

12. Sharhe Jami Author –Nooruddin Abdur Rahman Ibn Ahmad Al-Jami, with Al-Farhun - Nami, by a board named Al-Madinatul Ilmiah, Page-253

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