Page-46:To recite three Tasbih (سبحان الله - Subhanallah) instead of Surah Fatiha in the last two Rakats of Fard Salah is permissible (جائز) but reciting Surah Fatiha is better:If Sura Fatihah is not recited in the first two Rakats of fard Salah and Sajdah Sahu is not performed mistakenly, Salah will be incomplete and Makruh: Does Muqtadi recite Sura Fatiha or Any Ayah behind Imam?

 To recite three Tasbih (سبحان الله - Subhanallah) instead of Surah Fatiha in the last two Rakats of Fard Salah is permissible (جائز) but reciting Surah Fatiha is better:

Abdul Hai Al-Lakhnuwi described in the explanation of the book Al-Hadayah Sharhi Bidayatil Mubtadi:

وروى الحسن عن  ابى حنيفة لو سبح فى كل ركعة يعنى من الأخرين ثلاث تسبيحات أجزأه وقرأة الفاتحة أفضل وإن لم يقرأ ولم يسبح كان مسيئا

إن كان متعمدافإن كان ساهيا فعليه سجدتا السهو لأن القيام فى لأخرين مقصود فيكره إخلائه عن الذكر والقرأة جميعا  - ذكر فى المحيط : وإن ترك القرأةوالتسبيح فى الأخرين لم يكىن حرج ولم يكن عليه سجدتا السهو وهذا هو الصحيح من الروايات كذا ذكره القدورى فى شرحه

“Al-Hasan narrated on the authority of Abu Hanifa –“If someone recites Tasbih in all the Rakats of the last two Rakats of Fard Salah, that will be sufficient for him. However, reciting Surah Fatiha is better. If someone doesn’t recite Sura Fatiha and Tasbih, intentionally, he will be a wrongdoer. If he does it mistakenly, he will have to offer two Sajdah Sahu, because standing up in the last two Rakats of Fard Salah is the purpose (Of Salah). So if those two Rakats are empty of Qirat (recitation of Surah Fatiha) and Tasbeeh, it will be Makruh. It is mentioned in the book “Al-Muhit” that if someone gives up the recitation of Surah Fatiha and Tasbih in the last two Rakats of Fard Salah, there will be no problem and it will not be his responsibility to perform two Sajdah Sahu (prostrations of forgetfulness). This is the most correct narration among all the narrations. Similarly, Al-Quduri described in his Sharah (Book of explanation)” (Ref.1)

If Sura Fatihah is not recited in the first two Rakats of fard Salah and Sajdah Sahu is not performed mistakenly, Salah will be incomplete and Makruh:

فإن كان المتروك فرضا تفسد الصلاة وإن كان واجبا لا تفسد ولكن تنتقص وتدخل فى حد الكراهة

“If one doesn’t perform a Fard activity of Salah, then Salah will be nullified (He will perform that Salah again). If it is a Wajib activity, Salah will not be nullified. Even then the Salah will be performed as incomplete and Makruh.” (After performing Sajdah Sahu, Salah will be performed as a complete one)”. (Ref.2)

Alauddin Abu Bakar Ibn Masud Al-Kasani Al-Hanafi described in his book:

  أما الواجبات الأصلية فى الصلاة فستة: منها قرأة الفاتحة والسورة فى صلاة ذات ركعتين وفى الأولين من ذوات الاربع والثلاث حتى لو تركهما

أو أحدهما فإن كان عامدا كان مسيئا وإن كان ساهيا يلزمه سجود السهو وهذا عندنا                                                                       

 “And the basic Wajib duties in Salah are six.  One of them is to recite Surah Fatihah and one Surah in a Salah of two Raka’ts and the first two Raka’ts of the Salah of four and three Raka’ts.  However if one gives up both of them (Recitation of Surah Fatiha and other Surah), or one of them, (Recitation of Surah Fatiha), if it is deliberately, he (Musalli) will be an ill-doer. If it is done mistakenly, Musalli would have to perform (السهو (سجدة (Sajdah Sahu) two Sajdah for forgetfulness. This is the opinion of Hanafi Mazhab”. (Ref.3)

Does  Muqtadi   recite Sura Fatiha or  Any Ayah  behind Imam?

 Burhanuddin Abul Hasan Ali Ibn Abi Bakr Ibn Adil Jalil Ibnil Khalil Ibn Abi Bakr Al-Fargani Al-Marginani described in his book: ولا يقرأ المؤتم خلف الإمام "Muqtadi (A person, who performs Salah behind Imam)will  not recite (Sura Fatiha or any Suras or Ayats ) behind the Imam." (Ref.4)

Abdul Hai Al-Lakhnowi described in the explanation of Hedayah:

الجهرية أو غيرها   ولا يقرأ سواء كان فى الصلاة “Muqtadi will not recite whether in Jahri Salah ألجهرية)) (Salah in which Imam recites Surah Fatiha and Ayah loudly i-e Salah of Fazr, Magrib, and Isha) or Serri Salah (ألسرية) (Salah in which Imam recites Surah Fatiha and Ayah secretly i-e Salah of Zuhr and Asr)”. (It means- Muqtadi will keep silent behind the Imam in all five times Salah ). (Ref.4)

Al-Marginani also described: ولنا قوله عليه السلام " من كان له إمام فقرأة الإمام له قرأة" وعليه إجماع الصحابة    

 “And we (Hanafi Majhab) have the evidence from the saying of Allah's Rasul (Sm.) “Whoever has an Imam, the Qirat( Recitation of Sura Fatiha or any Ayah of the Quran) of Imam is his Quirat. consensus of Sahaba-i-Keram has been established on it”. (Ref.4)

Abdul Hai Al-Lakhnowi also described in the explanation of Hedayah:

وقد روى منع القرأة عن ثمانين نفرا من الصحابة (عينى) سماه إجماعا بإعتبار الأكثر “He(Al-Marginani) called it Ijma or consensus based on the majority, and it was narrated that the prohibition of recitation(Of Muqtadi behind Imam) was narrated from eighty Sahabis (R.)(Honorable Companions of Allah’s Rasul (Sm.), Who met him (Sm.) with Iman) (عينى). (Ref.4)

Abdul Hai Al-Lakhnuwi described in the explanation of the book Al-Hadayah Sharhi Bidayatil Mubtadi:

فقد روى ان منع المقتدى من القرأة مأثور عن ثمانين من الصحابة –وقال على: من قرأ خلف الإمام فقد أخطأ السنة وقال عبد الله :من قرأ خلف الإمام ألقى على فيه ترابا وقال سعد إبن وقاص وزيد إبن ثابت من قرأ خلف الإمام فلا صلاة له

 “It was narrated that Muqtada’s prohibition from reciting behind Imam was stated on the authority of eighty Sahabies of our beloved Rasul (Sm.). Ali said: Whoever recites behind Imam, has made a mistake in Sunnah. Abdullah said: Whoever recites behind Imam, the soil is to be thrown on his mouth. Saad Ibn Waqqas and Zayed Ibn Thabit said: A person who recites behind the Imam, he has no Salah”. (Ref.5)

والمؤتم لا يقرأ مطلقا ولا الفاتحة فى السرية إتفاقا فإن قرأ كره تحريما وفى درر البحار عن مبسوط خواهر زاده أنها تفسدويكون فاسقا وهو مروى عن عدة من الصحابة فالمنع أحوط بل  يستمع إذا جهر وينصت إذا أسر لقول إبى هريرة رضى الله عنه كنا نقرأ خلف الإمام فنزل " وإذا قرئ القران فأستمعوا له وأنصتوا

“Muqtadi (behind Imam) should not recite at all, nor should he recite Al-Fatihah in Serri Salah(Salah in which Imam recites Surah Fatiha and Ayah secretly), it is proved by the consensus of the Mujtahids. If the Muqtadi recites behind the Imam, it will be Makruh –i-Tahrimah. It is stated in Durar Al-Behar An Mabsut Khawaher, that the Salah will be nullified and Muqtadi will be a sinner. It is narrated on the authority of several Sahabies (R.). So the prohibition will be much safer. But Muqtadi will listen attentively when the Imam recites loudly and will keep silent when the Imam recites secretly. For Abu Hurairah’s (R.) saying, “We used to recite behind Imam, Then revealed - وإذا قرئ القران فأستمعوا له وأنصتوا لعلكم ترحمون “And when the Quran is recited, listen to it attentively and keep silent, so that you may receive (Rahmat) mercy. (Araf-204) (Ref.6)

References :( المراجع)

1. Al-Hadayah Sharhi Bidayatil Mubtadi with the explanation of Abdul Hai Al-Lakhnuwi, كتاب الصلاة –باب صفة الصلاة Volume-1, Page no-339

2. بدائع الصنائع فى ترتيب الشرائع Page-701, Volume-1,   كتاب الصلاة - فصل فى بيان المتروك سهوا Author – Alauddin Abu Bakar Ibn Masud Al-Kasani Al-Hanafi

3. بدائع الصنائع فى ترتيب الشرائع Page-681, Volume-1,   كتاب الصلاة - فصل فى بيان الواجبات الأصلية فى الصلاة Author – Alauddin Abu Bakar Ibn Masud Al-Kasani Al-Hanafi

4. Al-Hedayah, Sharhe Bidayatul Mubtadi, كتلب الصلاة, باب صفة الصلاة Author-Burhan Uddin Abul Hasan Ali Ibn Abi Bakr Al-Marginani with the explanation of Abdul Hai Al-Lakhnuwi, First addition-1417 Hijri year,  Volume-1-Page -358 and  359

5. Al-Hadayah Sharhi Bidayatil Mubtadi with the explanation of Abdul Hai Al-Lakhnuwi, Page no-339,

                    كتاب الصلاة –باب صفة الصلاة Page-360

6. Raddul Muhtar Alad Durril MkhtarSharhu  Tanwiril Absar-Author-Muhammad Ameen renowned as Ibn Abedeen   كتاب الصلاة- باب صفة الصلاة -page 266





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