Page-45-To recite one Ayat in Salah is Fard: When the word Qirat is used? Reciting another Surah along with Surah Fatiha in Salah is Wajib: Recitation of Sura Fatiha is Sunnah in the last two Rakats of Fard Salah :

 To recite one Ayah  in Salah is Fard:

حدثنا محمد إبن بشارقال حدثنا يحيى عن عبيد الله قال حدثنى صعيد بن أبى سعيد عن أبيه عن ابى هريرة أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم دخل المسجد فدخل رجل فصلى فسلم على النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم فرد فقال إرجع فصل فإنك لم تصل فرجع فصلى كما صلى ثم جاء فسلم على النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال إرجع فصل فإنك لم تصل ثلاثا فقال والذى بعثك بالحق ما أحسن غيره فعلمنى فقال إذا قمت إلى الصلاة فكبر ثم إقرأ ما تيسر معك من القرأن                                                                                                                             

“Muhammad Ibn Bashshar told us he said Yahyatold me on the authority of  Ubaidullah. He said Sayeed Ibn Abi Sayeed on the authority of his father from Abu Hurairah (R.) Indeed Allah’s Rasul entered the mosque, then a man entered the mosque, offered Salah, then conveyed Salam to the prophet (Sm.), and he (Sm) answered his Salam. Prophet (Sm.) said- go back and offer Salah because you have not offered Salah. Then the man returned and offered Salah in the same way, then returned and conveyed Salam to the prophet (Sm.).  He (Sm.) said, go back and offer Salah, because you have not offered Salah. This happened thrice. The man said- “By Him, who sent you with the truth, I can not offer Salah in a better way than this” Please teach me how to offer Salah. The Prophet (Sm.) said: you stand for Salah, say “Allahu Akbar” and recite what is easy (For you) from the Quran.” In this Hadith, Rasul(Sm.) has ordered us to recite the Qur’an in general, without specifying anything from the Quran. (Sahih Bukhari- كتاب الأذانHadith no-757)

Burhanuddin Abul-Hasan Ali Ibn Abu Bakr al-Marginani described in his book:

والقراة –لقوله تعالى : فاقرؤا ما تيسر من القرأن  

 “Recitation from the Quran in Salah is a Fard, because of the saying of Allah the Almighty: فاقرؤا ما تيسر من القرأن   “So, you recite what is easy (For you) from the Quran.” (Al-Muzammel-20)  (Ref.1)

Fakhruddin Uthman Ibn Ali Az-Zailayee Al-Hanafi described in his book:

وعلى فرضيته إنعقد ألإجماع  “Consensus has been established on becoming Qirat is Fard in Salah”. (Ref.2)

Burhanuddin Abul Mali Mahmud Ibn Sadrush Shariah Ibn Mazah Al-Bukhari described in his book:

قوله تعالى فاقرؤا ما تيسر من القرأن فهذا يقتضى جواز الصلاة بقرأة القرأن مطلقاوالعمل بالحديث الواحدإنما يجب على وجه لا يكون نسخا وذالك بأن يثبت بالحديث وجوب قرأة الفاتحة حتى يكره ترك قرأتها أما أن يثبت الركنية فلا  

 “The saying of Allah the Almighty: فاقرؤا ما تيسر من القرأن   “So, you recite what is easy (For you) from the Quran.” (Al-Muzammel-20This Ayah requires the permissibility of Salah by the recitation of the Quran generally. And to act according to a Khabrul Wahid based on that this Hadith is not abrogated. This is because the Hadith proves that it is Wajib to recite Al-Fatihah. So, the giving up its recitation will be Makruh. However, it does not prove that reciting Surah Fatiha is a Rukn of Salah. (Ref.3)

Abdul Hai Al-Lakhnowi also described in the explanation of Hedayah:

أن قوله من القرأن مطلق يطلق على ما يسمى قرأنا فيكون أدنى مايطلق عليه لفظ القرأن فرضا لكونه مأمورا به فإن قرأته خارج الصلاة ليست بفرض فتعين أن يكون فى الصلاة

“Surely Allah’s saying- من القرأن, (From the Quran) is an unspecified word, which is used for the word called the Qur’an. So, reciting the lowest (number of words) is Fard in Salah, on which the word Quran is used, because of being commanded to do so. To recite the Quran outside Salah is not Fard. So it is determined that this recitation will be in Salah”.(Ref.4)

فذهب علمائنا إلى ركنية قرأة اية “So the scholars of Hanafi madhab gave the opinion that reciting an Ayah in Salah is the Rukn of Salah or fard”. (Ref.5) وفرض القرأة أية  “ And Fard of Quirat is one Ayat ”.(Ref.6)

The recitation by heart (Without moving the tongue)is not Qirat in Salah:

Shehab-Uddin Ahmad Ibn Idris Al-Qarafi said in his book: إذا لم يحرك لسانه فليس بقرأة لأن المعهود من القرأة حروف منظومة والذى فى النفس ليس بحروف “If the tongue is not moved at the time of recitation that will not be Quirat. Because what is usual for recitation is the arranged letters and what is in mind is not letters. (Ref.7)

Reciting another Surah along with Surah Fatiha in Salah is Wajib:

Abdul Hai Al-Lakhnowi described in the explanation of the book “Al-Hedayah Sharhe Bedayatil Mubtadi”

وفى الذخيرة قرأة ثلاث أيات قصار او أية طويلةمن واجبات الصلاة بالإجماع

“And in the book named Az-Zakhirah: To recite three short Ayats or one long Ayat is one of the Wajib duties of Salah based on the consensus of the Mujtahids.” (Ref.8)

Recitation of Sura Fatiha  is Sunnah in the last two Rakats of Fard Salah :

Serajuddin Umar Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Najam Al-Hanafi described in his book:

أنها سنة فى ألأخيرين من الفرض –واجبة فى الكل من ركعات الوتر والنفل والعيدين

“To recite Sura Fatiha in the last two Rakats of Fard Salah is Sunnah and Wajib in all Rakats of Witr, Nafl, and two Eids.”(Ref.9)

References :( المراجع)

1. ألهداية شرح بداية المبتدي مع شرح عبد الحى اللكنوي, Volume-1, باب صفة الصلاة Page no-302

2. Min Tabeenil Haqaeq Sharhu Kanzid Daqayeq, Volume-1, Page no-104, Author- Fakhruddin Uthman Ibn Ali Az-Zailayee Al-Hanafi

3. Muhitul Burhani, Volume-2, , كتاب الصلاة –ألفصل الثانى فى الفرائض والواجبات والسنن -page no-41-Author- Burhanuddin Abul Mali Mahmud Ibn Sadrush Shariah Ibn Mazah Al-Bukhari

4. ألهداية شرح بداية المبتدي مع شرح عبد الحى اللكنوي, Volume-1, Page no-319

5. ألهداية شرح بداية المبتدي مع شرح عبد الحى اللكنوي Volume-1, Page no-318

6. Raddul Muhtar Alad Durril MkhtarSharhu  Tanwiril Absar-Author-Muhammad Ameen renowned as Ibn Abedeen   كتاب الصلاة- باب صفة الصلاة -page 256

7. Az-Zakhirah, Author- Shehab-Uddin Ahmad Ibn Idris Al-Qarafi Page-182

8. Al-Hedayah Sharhe Bedayatil Mubtadi with the Sharah of Abdul Hai Al-Lakhnawi  كتاب الصلاة –باب صفة الصلاة - Page no-318

 9. An-Nahrul Fayeq Sharhu Kanzid Daqayeq, Volume-1, كتاب الصلاة- باب صفة الصلاة- page no-197




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