Page-43, Names of Sura Al-Fatiha, Importance of Sura Al-Fatiha
6. Suratush -Shifa:
محمد بن المثنى حدثنا وهب حدثنا هشام عن محمد عن معبد عن أبى سعيد الخدرى قال كنا
فى مسير لنا فنزلنا فجائت جارية فقالت إن سيد الحى سليم وإن نفرنا غيب فهل منكم
راق فقام معها رجل ما كنا نأبنه برقية فرقاه فبرأ فأمر لنا بثلاثين شاة وسقانا
لبنا فلما رجع قلنا له أكنت تحسن رقية أو كنت ترقى قال لا ما رقيت إلا بأم الكتاب
قلنا لا تحدثوا شيئا حتى نأتى أو نسأل النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم فلما قدمنا
المدينة ذكرناه للنبى صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال وما كان يدريه أنها رقية أقسموا
واضربوا لى بسهم
Muhammad Ibnul Musanna told
us, he said Wahab told us, he said Hisham told us on the authority of Muhammad,
he narrated on the authority of Ma’bad, he narrated on the authority of Abu Sayeed
Al-Khudri, who said: While we were one of our journeys, we dismounted at a
place, where a slave- girl came and said: The chief of the tribe has been stung
by a scorpion and our men are not present, is there anyone among you, who can
treat him by reciting something? Then one of our men went along with her,
though we did not think he knew such treatment. But he treated the chief by
Ruqayah(Reciting something from the Quran) and the sick man was cured,
whereupon he gave us 30 sheep and gave us milk to drink. When he returned we
asked our friend- Did you know better Ruqayah, or you did do Ruqayah? He said:
No, but I did Ruqayah by Ummul Kitab (Suratul Fatiha). (I treated him only with
the recitation of Sura Fatiha) We said: do not say anything about it till we
reach or ask Nabi (Sm.).When we reached Madinah, we described that to Nabi
(Sm.).Nabi (Sm.) said: How did he come to know that it (Sura Fatiha) could be
used for treatment? Distribute your reward and give me a portion of that.
(Bukhari, Hadith no-5007, كتاب فضائل القرأن)
7.Suratus Salah: فلقول
النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم " قسمت الصلاة بينى وبين عبدى نصفين " فمعنى
قسمت الصلاة أى قرأة هذه السورة
This Surah is named Suratus Salah, because Allah’s Nabi (Sm.) said: “I
divided Salah between me and my servant into two halves.” Here As-Salah
means-recitation of this Surah.” (Ref.-1).
Other names of Surah Fatiha as described by Jalaluddun As-Suyuti in his
book :
8. Suratul Munajat: لأن
العبد يناجى فيها ربه بقوله إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين: Because the servant of
Allah supplicates his Rab in this Sura by Allah's saying : إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين (It is You we do Ibadah and You we ask for help)
9. Suratut Tafweez( التفويض-Authorization of power): لإشتمالها عليه فى قوله إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين. Because of including the sense of
Authorization of power in Allah’s saying: إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين “You we worship and You
we seek help.”
10. Fatehatul Qur’an: Because
the Qur’an begins with ألحمد “Al-Hamdu”.
11. Al-Quranul Azim:
روى أحمد عن أبى هريرة أن النبى صلى الله عليه
وسلم قال لأم القرأن "هى أم القرأن وهى السبع المثانى وهى القرأن العظيم
"وسميت بذالك لإشتمالها على المعانى
ألتى فى القرأن
Ahmad narrated on the authority of Abu Hurairah, indeed Allah’s Rasul
(Sm.) said about Ummul Quran-
“Sura Fatiha is Ummul Quran (Mother or basis of the Quran)and it is
As-Sabu’l Mathani(The seven Ayats repeated in Salah) Al-Quranul Azim( The
greatest Quran).
12. Suratul Wafiah(The completer) كان سفيان إبن عيينة يسميها به لأنها وافية بما فى القرأن من
Sufyan Ibn Uyainah used to name this Surah with that because it fulfills
the meanings of the Qur’an
13. Suratul Kanz: (The treasure)-This Surah is named after
this because it is the
origin of what is described in all the Surahs of the Quran.
14. Suratul Kafiah (ألكافية): (The
sufficient) لأنها تكفى فى
الصلاة عن غيرها ولايكفى عنها غيرهاBecause
this Sura is sufficient for Salah instead of other Surahs, and nothing else is
sufficient instead of it.
Noor(The light) (النور)16. Suratus Shukr(سورة الشكر)- the gratitude 17.Suratul Hamd (سورة الحمد) (The praise)18. Suratul-Hamdil Woola(سورة الحمد ألاولى )-The first praise
19. Suratul Hamdil Qusra (سورة الحمد القصرى)
The brief praise 20. Suratur Ruqyah (الرقية سورة)-The treatment by
reciting Ayah of the Qur’an 21.Suratush Shafiah (الشافية
سورة) –The healing 22. Suratud Dua (سورة
الدعاء ) The prayer لإشتمالها عليه فى
قوله "إهدنا" Because this Sura includes Dua in Allah’s
saying, “Guide us.”
23. Suratus Sual: The question (سورة السؤال) لأن فيها أداب السؤال ولأنها بدءت بالثناء قبله قال المرسى Mursi said, because this Sura contains the manner of questioning and because it began with the praise before questioning.
24. Suratu Ta’limil Masa’lah: Teaching of the issue (سورة
تعليم المسألة). (Ref.2)
Ibn Hajjaj said: Hasan Ibnur–Rabi and Ahmad Ibn Jawwas Al-Hanafi told us that
Abul Ahwas told us on the authority of Ammar Ibn Ruzaiq, Abdullah Ibn Isa,
Sayeed Ibn Jubair and Abdullah Ibn Abbas, who said: While Jibrail (A.) was sitting down with Nabi
(Sm.). He (Jibrail (A.) heard the sound of the opening door from above, he
raised his head and said: This is a door from
the sky, opened today that has never been opened except today. Then an Angel
descended from it. He (Jibrail (A.) said: This is an Angel descended to the
Earth, he has never been descended except today. That Angel conveyed Salam to
Nabi (Sm.) and said: Take
good tidings of two noors (Lights) given to you, no Nabi was given them before
you. Fatihatul –Kitab (Sura Fatiha) and the last Ayats of Sura Al-Baqarah. You
will never recite one letter of them but you will be given (The reward)”. (Sahih Muslim, Hadith no-1877 كتاب فضائل القرأن وما يتعلق به)
References :( المراجع)
1. ألتيسير
فى التفسير , Volume-1
, Pages-76-87,Author-Nazmuddin Umar Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ahmad An-Nasafi Al-Hanafi.
2.Al-Itqan Fi Ulumil Quran, Page-120,121&122,
Author –Jalaluddun As- Soyuti.
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