Page-40-What is the best way to interpret the Quran? What is Surah? (سورة):Number of Surah: Meaning of Al- Fatiha (الفاتحة):Meaning of Ayat:The lowest number of Ayats in a Surah:Use of the word Surah (السورة) in the Quran::
What is the best way to interpret
the Quran? Abul Fida Imaduddin Ismail Ibn Umar Ibn Kathir Al
–Qurashi Ad-Damashqi, known as Ibn Kathir described in in his Tafsir-
أن أصح الطرق فى
ذالك أن يفسر القرأن بالقران فما أجمل فى مكان فأنه قد فسر فى موضع أخر فأن أعياك ذالك فعليك بالسنة
فأنهاشارحة للقران وموضحة له بل قال أبو عبدالله محمد أبن إدريس الشافعى (رحمه
الله) كل ما حكم به رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فهو مما فهمه من القران –قال
الله تعالى " أنا أنزلنا إليك الكتلب بالحق لتحكم بين الناس بما أراك الله
ولاتكن للخاءنين خصيما (ألنساء - ١٠٥)وقال تعالى "وما أنزلنا عليك الكتاب إلا
لتبين لهم الذى إختلفوا فيه وهدا ورحمة لقوم يومنون (ألنحل- ٦٤) وقال تعالى
وأنزلنا إليك الذكر لتبين للناس ما نزل إليهم ولعلهم يتفكرون (ألنحل - ٤٤) ولهذا
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم " ألا إنى أوتيت القرأن ومثله معه"
(أبو داود ٤٦٠٤) يعنى السنةوالسنة أيضا تنزل عليه بالوحى كما ينزل القرأن إلا أنها
لاتتلى كما يتلى القران( قال الله تعالى فى القران –" وما ينطق عن الهوى إن
هو إلا وحى يوحىى")
“Surely the most correct way to interpret
the Quran is to interpret the Qur’an by the Qur’an, so what is discussed in
more briefly one place, is interpreted in another place. If it (Any Ayat of the
Quran) makes you unable to understand that, then you follow Sunnah. Because
Sunnah is the explanatory and interpreter of the Quran. Abu Abdullah Muhammad
Ibn Idris Ash-Shafei said in this regard- “Everything that Rasul (Sm.) ordered
is what he understood from the Quran”. Allah the Almighty said: “I have revealed the Quran to
you with the truth so that you can judge among the people by what Allah has
shown you and do not be an adversary for the traitors” (Al-Nisa -105) Allah the
Almighty said, “And I have revealed to you the Quran to make clear to them what
they differ about and as guidance and mercy for the Muminas”. (An-Nahal-64)
Allah the Almighty said: “And I have revealed to you the Quran so that you
explain to them what is revealed to them and they may ponder over it. (An-Nahal-44)
For that reason, Allah’s Rasul (Sm.) said: “Beware! I have been given the
Qur'an and something like it.” It means the Sunnah. (Abu Dawud 4604, باب فى لزوم السنة - كتاب السنة) Sunnah also reveals
to Nabi (Sm.) as the Quran reveals, but Sunnah is not recited as the Quran is
recited”. (Allah the Almighty said in
the Quran-“He (Sm.) doesn’t speak of his whims, it is only a revelation sent
down to him.” Sura An-Najm, 3 &4) (Ref.1)
What is Surah? (سورة):
It is described in the Arabic dictionary written by جبران مسعود:
The lexical meaning of سورة (Surah) is- الفصل أو القطعة المستقلة من القرأن“A chapter or a separate
piece of the Qur'an, its plural is- سور”
(السين with Dammah and الواو with Fathah).
Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Muhammad Ash-Shawkani said: والسورة الطائفة من القران المسماة بإسم خاص “And
Surah is a group of Ayats of the Qur’an with a particular name” (Ref.3)
Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Abi Bakr Al-Qurtubi
said- معنى السورة فى كلام العرب: ألإبانة لها من
سورة أخرى وإنفصالها عنها” “The meaning of Surah
in the speech of the Arabs: To make it clear from another Surah and to make it
separated from that.” (Ref.4)
Jalaluddin As-
Soyuti described in his book- وقال الجعبرى: حد السورة:
قرأن يشتمل على أى ذى فاتحة وخاتمة وأقلها ثلاث ايات
“Ja’bari said in the definition of Surah: "Surah is a
Quran that includes some Ayats which have beginning and ending and its lowest
number is three Ayats".
Number of Surah: Jalaluddin As- Soyuti also described in his book:
أما سورة: فمأة وأربع عشر سورة بإجماع
“The number of Surahs: With the Consensus
(Of Muslim Scholars) - one hundred and fourteen”. (Ref.5)
Meaning of Al- Fatiha (الفاتحة)
Ar- Ragib Al-Ispehani said: وفاتحة كل شيئ
مبدؤه الذى يفتح به ما بعده وبه سمى فاتحة الكتاب
“The opening of everything is its
beginning, and with that opens what comes after that, and with that (The Surah)
is named فاتحة الكتاب or the opening of the
book”. (Because the Quran begins with this Surah.) (Ref.6)
Meaning of Ayat:
Jibran Masud( جبران مسعود)
said in his book: ألأية من القرأن كل جملة
أو كلام منفصل عن غيره “Every sentence or separate speech of the
Qur'an is called an Ayah”.(Ref.7)
The lowest number of Ayats in a
Abul Qasem Mahmud Ibn Umar Az-Zamakhshari Al-Hanafi said –والسورة: الطائفة من القرأن المترجمة التى أقلها ثلاث أيات “And
Surah is the group of Ayats with a sub-title. Its lowest number is three Ayats”
“One word also can be Ayat in the Quran. As
Allah the almighty said in Sura Ar- Rahman مدهمتان (Both
will be dark green)”. (Ar-Rahman-64) (Ref.9)
Use of the word Surah (السورة) in the Quran:
According to the book named ألمعجم المفهرس
لألفاظ القرأن Compiler محمد
فؤاد عبد الباقى – باب السين - page no-370, the
word “Surah” is used 09 times and once the word
سور (Plural of Surah) in the Quran in different Ayats, as Allah the
almighty said:
1. وإن كنتم فى ريب مما نزلنا
على عبدنا فأتوا بسورة من مثله “And if you are in doubt about what I have
revealed to my servant, (Muhammad Sm.) then you come with a surah like it.”(Al-Baqara -23) It means to compose a Sura like any surah of
the Qur'an. 2.يحذر المنافقون أن تنزل عليهم سورة تنبئهم
بما فى قلوبهم قل إستهزئواإن الله مخرج ماتحذرون
“The Munafiqs fear that a Sura reveals
about them exposing what is in their hearts. Say (O prophet), keep mocking,
Surely Allah will bring out what you fear.” (It means Allah will reveal your
affairs) (At-Tawbah-64)
References :( المراجع)
1.Tafsir Ibn Kathir , Named “Tafsirul Quranil Azeem” Volume-1, ألمقدمه , Page-5 & 6
2. رائد الطلاب, Page-525, 1st edition-1967,
3. Fathul
Qadir, Volume-1, page-52, Author-Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Muhammad
Ash-Shawkani, Publisher- Darul Marefah for Printing and Publishing,
Beirut, Lebanon
4. Tafsir-i-Qurtubi
with Tahqiq (Verification) by Dr.Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muhsin At-Turki, 1st
volume, page-106, printed in Beirut, Lebanon 1st edition -2006 by Al-Resalah
5. Al-Itqan Fi Ulumil Quran, Pages- 118 & 143, Author –Jalaluddun As- Souiti.
6. Mufradatu
Alfazil Quran, كتاب الفاء, Page-621, Author-
Ar- Ragib Al-Ispehani
7. رائد الطلاب, Page-176, 1st
edition-1967, Beirut.
8. ألكشاف عن حقائق غوامض التنزيل وعيون الأقاويلPage-218,
Volume-1 Author-Abul Qasem Mahmud Ibn Umar Az- Zamakhshari, 1st
9. Al-Itqan Fi Ulumil Quran, Pages- 147, Author
–Jalaluddun As- Soyuiti.
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