Page 30: Marriage of human being with Jinn:Spiritual Treatment: ((رقى):What is Ar-Ruqaya (الرقى)?The rule for using amulets in Islam: Taking wages for spiritual treatment:
Marriage of human being with Jinn:
وقال الشيخ جمال الدين السجستانى من أئمة الحنفية فى كتاب (منية المفتى)عازيا له إلى الفتاوى السراجية : لاتجوز المناكحة بين الإنس والجن وإنسان الماء لإختلاف الجنس لقوله تعالى "ومن أياته أن خلق لكم من أنفسكم أزواجا لتسكنوا إليهاوجعل بينكم مؤدة
ورحمة إن فى ذالك لأيات لقوم يتفكرون "
و قال الله تعالى أيضا فى أية اخرى "والله جعل لكم من انفسكم أزواجا وجعل لكم من أزواجكم بنين وحفدة ورزقاكم من الطيبات أفبالباطل يؤمنون وبنعمة الله هم يكفرون "
Sheikh Jamal al-Din al-Sijistani, one of the Hanafi imams, said in the book
(Muniyyatul Mufti), attributing him to the Sirajiyah fatwas: Marriage is not Zaiz
(permissible) between humans, jinns, and
human beings of water due to the difference of gender for Allah the almighty’s
saying “And one of His (Allah’s) Signs is that
He created spouses for you from yourselves (From your genders) so that you can
get peace with them. He created love and kindness among you. Surely there
are Signs in this for those people who do think about it. ” (Ar-Rum-21) Allah the almighty also said in
another Ayat: “And Allah created spouses for you from
yourselves (From your genders) and He created for you children and
grandchildren from your spouses. He provided you with pure things as
sustenance. (After knowing all this), do they still believe in
falsehood and deny Allah's grace (Rahmat)?” (An-Nahl-72).(Ref.-1)
Spiritual Treatment: ((رقى
عن عوف بن مالك الأشجعى قال: كنا نرقى فى الجاهلية
فقلنا يا رسول الله كيف ترى فى ذالك؟ فقال " اعرضوا على رقاكم لا بأس بالرقى
ما لم يكن فيه شرك"
“It was narrated by Malek Al-Ashjai’, who said: We used to do Ruqaya
during Jaheliyah (The age of ignorance, or the age before the advent of Islam).
Then we said: O, Allah’s Rasul, what do you see about that? He (Sm.) said: “Present to me your Ruqaya.
There is nothing wrong with a Ruqaya, in which there is no Shirk.”(Muslim,
Hadith no-5732 - باب
لابأس بالرقى ما لم يكن فيه شرك – كتاب السلام)
What is Ar-Ruqaya (الرقى)?
(بضم الراء وفتح القاف) جمع رقية (بضم فسكون) والمراد ما كان بأسماء الأصنام
والشياطين لا ما كان بالقرأن والأدعية ونحوها
Ruqaya (With Dammah on “Ra”
and Fatha on “Qaf”) is the plural of Ruqyah (With Dammah on “Ra” and sukoon on
“Qaf”), what was done in the names of idols and satans is meant by it, not what
was done by the Qur’an and supplications(دعاء ),
etc. (Ref.2)
Ibnu Hajar Al-Asqalani said:الرقى “ (Dummah
with Ra) plural of Ruqya (رقي -Qaf with Sukoon). It
means- (التعويذ) Amulet.” He also said: لكن
يحتمل ان يقال إن الرقى أخص من التعوذ
“But the possibility is there that it may be said: The Ruqaya is more special than seeking refuge”. وقال
ابن التين: ألرقى بالمعوذات وغيرها من اسماء
الله هو الطب الروحانى إذا كان على لسان الابرار من الخلق حصل الشفاء بإذن الله تعالى
“And Ibnut Teen said: To do
Raqaya by reciting Sura Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq, and Sura An-Nas and with others from the names of Allah is
spiritual medication when it happens with the tongue of the righteous people among the creations, healing will take place
by the permission of Allah the Almighty.” (Ref.3)
Shahabuddin Abul Abbas Ahmad
Ibn Muhammad Ash-Shafei’ Al-Qustulani said:
بضم الراء وفتح القاف مقصورا جمع رقية بسكون القاف أى التعويذ
“Ruqaya (Dammah with “Ra” and
Fatah with “Qaf” as confined) is plural of Ruqya( Sukoon with Qaf) means
Amulet.” (Ref.4)
So Ruqaya is a treatment,
where a person recites Sura and Ayat of
the Qur’an or Dua of Hadith, then he blows his breath over the diseased person
in an odd number of times-3, 5, or 7 times.
وقال النووى : ألرقى التى هى من كلام الكفار والرقى المجهولة والتى
بغير العربية وما لايعرف معناها فهذه مذمومة لاحتمال أن معناها كفر أو قريب منه أو
مكروه وأما الرقى بأيات القرأن وبالأذكار المعروفة فلا نهى فيه بل هو سنة
said: “The Ruqyas that are from the words of Kafirs, and the unknown Ruqyas which are not in Arabic, and their
meaning is not understood are reprehensible, for having the possibility of Kufr in their
meaning, or close to Kufr, or disliked(مكروه). But Ruqyas with Ayat of
the Qur’an and well-known Zikrs( ألاذكار), there is no prohibition in it, rather it
is a Sunnah.”(Ref.5)
The rule for using amulets (التعويذ) in Islam:
It is said in the book of
Fatwa of Hanafi Mazhab- ولا بأس بتعليق التعويذ ولكن ينزعه عند الخلاء والقربان كذا فى
“There is nothing wrong with
hanging Amulet, but that should be taken off at the time of toilet and Qurbani (Sacrificing animal for Allah), as described
in the book named Al-Ghraib.”( Amulet written with the Ayats, Suras of the
Qur’an and Dua from Hadith). (Ref.6)
wages for spiritual treatment:
Taking wages for Ruqya is
allowed in Islam. It is reported by Ibn Abbas (R.) At the end of the Hadith
Allah’Rasul (Sm.) said: إن أحق ما أخذتم عليه
أجرا كتاب الله Surely the most deserving
thing on which you take wages is Allah's Kitab i-e The Quran. (Bukhari, Hadith
no-5737, كتاب الطب, باب الشروط فى الرقية
بفاتحة الكتاب)
فى الرقية
And he( Abu Hanifa Rah.) declared
it(Taking wages ) permissible(جائز) in the Ruqyah. (Ref.7)
1. لقط المرجان فى احكام الجان Page
-34 Hafez Jalaluddin As-Soyuti
مكتبة القران للنشر والتوزيع
2. Bazlul Majhud Fi Halle
Sunan-i- Abi Dawood,(بذل المجهود فى حل سنن أبى داؤد)Page
no-3793, Author- Khalilur Rahman As-Sahranpuri
3. كتاب الطب –باب الرقى
بالقران والمعوذات Fathul Bari, Volume -17,Page-541&543
4. إرشاد
السارى لشرح صحيح البخارى- باب
الرقى بالقران والمعوذات –كتاب المرضى والطب -Page 456, Volume-12
5. Sahih Muslim Bi Sharhin Nawawee, باب الطب والمرض والرقى, Page
6. ألفتاوى الالمكيرية المعروفة بالفتاوى الهندية فى مذهب الامام الاعظم أبى حنيفة النعمان - Volume-5 ,Page 356 كتاب الكراهية ألباب الثامن عشر فى التداوى والمعالجات وفيه العزل وإسقاط الولد
7. صحيح مسلم بشرح النووى Page-188, Volume-14
باب جواز
أخذ الأجرة على الرقىة بالقرأن والاذكار- كتاب السلام
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