Page-24 : What is Ruh? Two kinds of Satan: What is the Waswasah of Satan? Activities of Satan: Satan threatens virtuous people with poverty: Satan gives evil suggestions
What is Ruh?
Satan whispers to Ruh ( (الروح). Allah the Almighty said about Ruh-ويسئلونك عن الروح قل الروح من امر ربى وما أوتيتم
من العلم إلا قليلا “And they ask you about
Ruh(Soul).Say, Ruh is the command of my Rob and you have been given a little
knowledge. ( Al-Isra-85)
Badruddin Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn
Abdillah Ash-Shibli said :
قال صلى الله عليه وسلم فى الحديث" فان الشيطان يجرى من
ابن ادم مجرى الدم" وهو البخار الذى تسميه الاطباء الروح الحيوانى المنبعث من
القلب السارى فى البدن الذى به حياة البدن
Allah’s Rasul (Sm.) said in Hadith-“Because Satan flows in the body of the
children of Adam in the place where blood flows i-e blood vessels.” And it is the vapor that doctors call the animal soul that
emits from the heart and circulates in the body, the life of the body exists with that.” (Ref.1)
Two kinds of Satan:
Human Satan and Jinn Satan. As the Quran says-
الذى يوسوس فى صدور الناس من الجنة والناس
” Who whispers into the hearts of mankind from mankind and Jinn.”(An-Nas
5-6) It means – The one who throws all
kinds of obsessions and delusions in the hearts of human beings due to the severity
of his wickedness. He is none but Satan from Jinns and human beings. As Allah
the almighty said-
وكذالك جعلنا لكل نبى عدواشياطين الانس والجن يوحى بعضهم الى
بعض زخرف القول غرورا
“ And like that,
I have made enemy from human being and the Jinn Satans for every Nabi, some of them send indication secretly to other
with ornamental words of deception.” (Al-Anam-112) This Ayat indicates seeking refuge in Allah from the evil of Jinn and human beings. There is no doubt that
the Satans of human beings are more deadly and dangerous than the Satans of the
jinn. Because the Satans of Jinn hide when someone seeks refuge in Allah. On the other hand, The Satans of human
being show indecency in a decorative way to the virtuous human being and tempt
him with evil.
What is the Waswasah of Satan?
الوسوسة is a hidden speech or conversation of the heart that comes from Satan. Abu
Abdillah Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Abi Bakr Al-Qurtubi said:ووسوسته هو الدعاء لطعاته بكلام خفى يصل مفهومه الى
القلب من غير سماء صوت And
Satan’s whispering is a call to his obedience with hidden words that its concept reaches the heart without hearing
the sound.” (Ref.2)
Ibn Abdil Barr said: الشيطان يوسوس فى صدور
الناس وقلوبهم أى يلقى فى قلوبهم الريب ويحرك خواطر الشكوك ويذكر من أمر الدنياء
بما يشغل عن ذكر الله وأصل الوسواسة فى اللغة حركة الحلى
Satan whispers into people’s chests and hearts, which means, he throws doubt
in their hearts, stirs the thoughts of doubts, and reminds them of the affair of the
world, which keeps them busy from the remembrance of Allah. The origin of
whispering in the Arabic language is the movement of jewelry. (Ref.3)
Activities of Satan:
# Satan threatens virtuous
people with poverty: The Quran says-
الشيطان يعدكم الفقر ويأمركم بالفحشاء
“Satan threatens you with poverty (So that you hold fast what is in your hand
i-e wealth and don’t spend that for
Allah’s satisfaction.) and he orders you to commit indecent activities(sins, prohibitions,
and violation of morality).”(Baqara-268)
# Satan gives
evil suggestions –as the Quran says- وإما ينزغنك من الشيطان نزغ فأستعذ بالله إنه سميع
“ And if an evil
suggestion comes to you from Satan, then
seek refuge in Allah, indeed He is all-hearing and all-knowing.”(Al-Araf-200)
It means-“ if a group of Satan gets you with temptation and doubts about the
truth, then you seek refuge in Allah and seek
shelter to Him to prevent that
from you.”(Ref.4)
فهذه الايات دالة على ان الانبياء عليهم السلام كانوا
ابدا فى الاستعاذة من شر شياطين الانس والجن
“These Ayats prove that the Nabis (A.), were the best starters in seeking refuge from the evil of human and
jinn Satans.”(Ref.5)
1. Akamul Marjan Fi
Ahkamil Jinn ( اكام
المرجان فى احكام الجان), Page-9, Author-Badruddin Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Abdillah
Ash-Shibli, Adjusted and corrected by
Ahmad Abdus Salam, Published by Darul
Kutubil Ilmiah, Beirut, Lebanon
2. الجامع لاحكام القرأن Known as Tafsirul
Qurtubi, Author- Abu Abdillah Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Abi Bakr A- Qurtubi,
Volume-23, page- 583 (Tafsir of Surah An-Nas )
3. At-Tamhid( (التمهيدAuthor-Ibnu Abdil Barr, Volume-3, Page -41-كتاب الصلاة
4.Safwatut Tafasir,
Volume-9,page-488&489,Author-Muhammad Ali As-Sabuni, Printed in Darul
Quran,Bairut-4th Edition.
5. Mafatihul Gayeb, Renowned as “Tafsir Al-Kabir” with Tafsir of Abus Saud in
its margin, Author- Muhammad Ar-Razi Fakhruddin
Ibn Zia Uddin Umar(Rah.), Volume-1, page -8, Edition-1st
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