Page-23 : Jinns will not enter into Jannat: Satan flows from the bloodstream of human beings:
Jinns will not enter into Jannat: Jinn and human beings will face the day of judgment equally. Allah the almighty said- ولقد ذرأنا لجهنم كثيرا من الجن والانس
“And surely, I have prepared (created) Hell for many of the jinns and the
mankind.” (Al-A’raf- 179)
واما مؤمنهم -لاثواب لهم إلا النجاة من النار ثم يقال لهم كونوا
ترابا مثل البهائم وهو قول ابى حنيفة حكاه ابن جزم عنه
“And Mumin Jinns, they will have no reward except their salvation from
Jahannam. It is denoted by Allah the Almighty’s saying (“O our fellow jinn! Respond to the inviter
of Allah and believe in him, He will forgive your sins and protect you from a
painful torment.”(Al-Ahqaf-31) That is the saying of Abu Hanifa, which was
reported by Ibn Hazam from him.” (Ref.1)
Satan flows from the bloodstream of
human beings: It is
described in Sahih Bukhari:
: عن على ابن حسين : كان النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم فى المسجد و
عنده ازواجه فرحن فقال لصفية بنت حيي لا تعجلى حتى انصرف معك وكان بيتها فى دار
اسامة فخرج النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم معها فلقيه رجلان من الانصار فنظرا الى النبى
صلى الله عليه وسلم ثم اجازا فقال لهما النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم تعاليا انها صفية
بنت حيي فقال سبحان الله يا رسول الله قال ان الشيطان يجرى من ابن ادم مجرى
الدم وانى خشيت ان يلقى فى انفسكما شيئا “Narrated from Ali Ibn Husain, the
wives of Nabi (Sm.) were with him in the mosque.Then they went away(In the evening).Prophet (Sm.) said to
Safiyya Binte Huyai-“Don’t be hurried till I go away
with you.”And her house was the house of Usama.Then Nabi (Sm.) went out with
her.Then (On the way) two Ansar Sahabis met him (Sm.) ,they looked at
Nabi(Sm.)Then both were permited to go.Nabi (Sm.) said to them”You both come
here.” She is Safiyya Binte Huyai.They said: Subhanallah oh,Allah’s
Rasul(Sm.).Prophet (Sm.) said: indeed Satan flows from the bloodstream of human beings, and I was
afraid of that he (Satan) would throw something into your hearts.” )Bukhari, Hadith no-2038 باب زيارة المرأة
زوجها فى اعتكافه – كتاب الاعتكاف (
Allah the almighty
taught us how to seek refuge in Him from the evil of Satan. Quran says:
والناس من شر الواسواس الخناس الذى يوسوس فى صدور الناس من الجنات
(I seek refuge in Allah)“From the evil of the hidden whisperer, (That is, from the evil of Satan.) who whispers in the hearts of mankind From the jinn and mankind. “. (Sura An-Nas-4, 5 &6 )
Khannas Jinn:
Muhammad Ali As
–Sabuni said in his Tafsir-
الخناس الذى يخنس اى يختفى ويتأخر إذا ذكر العبد ربه
فاذا غفل عن الله عاد فوسوس له
“الخناس is the one who disappears
and delays, when the servant(Of Allah) remembers his Rob. He comes back and
whispers when the servant(of Allah) becomes unaware of his Rob.” (Ref.2)
Ibn Kathir said in
his Tafsir-
عن انس ابن مالك قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه
وسلم إن الشيتطين واضع خطمه-أنفه على قلب ابن أدم فإذا ذكر الله خنس وإذا نسى الله
إلتقم قلبه فوسوس
“ Narrated by Anas
Ibn Malek he said Allah’s Rasul (Sm.) said: “Indeed the Satans put his trunk i-e
his nose on the heart of the son of Adam. So, when Adam's son remembers
Allah, Satan hides, and when he forgets
Allah, Satan takes his heart(The heart of a human being) into his mouth, then he
whispers.” (Ref.-3) وقال
المعتمر ابن سليمان عن ابيه ذكر لى ان الشيطان أو الوسواس ينفث فى قلب ابن أدم عند الحزن وعند الفرح فإذا ذكر الله خنس
Al-Mu`tamar Ibn Soliman said on the
authority of his father, it is mentioned to me that Satan or “the whisperer
puffs in the heart of the son of Adam at the time of sorrow and at the time of
joy. When he remembers Allah, Satan hides.”(Ref.-3)
“The soul has a great effect on the body that is greater than the effect
of medical causes and the effect of the jinn in that. Our Rasul (Sm.) said: “فان الشيطان يجرى من ابن ادم مجرى الدم")
“Because Satan flows in the body of the children of Adam in the place where
blood flows i-e blood vessels.” (Sahih Bukhari Hadith no -2039, Kitabul Itekaf ,Sahih Muslim ,Hadith no-5678,كتاب السلام )
المرجان فى احكام الجان,Author-Jalauddin
As-Soyuti,page no-77
2.Safwatut Tafasir, Volume30,page626,Author-Muhammad Ali
As-Sabuni, Printed in Darul Quran,Bairut-4th Edition.
3.Tafsir-i-Ibn Kathir,Volume-7,page-711
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