Page-25 : Satan's conspiracy against the Mumins :Sometimes a Jinn gives advice to a human being: Satan always makes a promise and arouses false hope for success: Satan inserts enmity and hatred into human beings to refrain them from Allah’s remembrance and Salah: Satan fabricates sinful activities to a human being:
Satan's conspiracy against the Mumins:
Satans conspire against Mumins, but
their conspiracy is weak. The Quran says:
ان كيد
الشيطان كان ضعيفا” Surely the conspiracy of Satan is very weak”.
Al-Qadi Naseruddin Abu Sayeed
Abdllah Ibn Umar Ibn Muhammad Ash-Shirazi Al-Baidawee said in his Tafsir-
أى إن كيده للمؤمنين بالإضافة الى كيد الله سبحانه وتعالى للكافرين ضعيف لايؤبه به
فلا تخافوا أوليائه فإن اعتمادهم على اضعف شيء وأوهنه
“It means – surely Satan's
plot against Mumins by relating to Allah's strategy against the Kafirs is the weakest
thing, no attention is paid to it. So, you won't be afraid of Satana’s friends (Munafiqs, Kafirs, and Mushriks), because of their dependence on the weakest
and very powerless thing. (Ref.1)
Sometimes a Jinn gives advice to a human being:
ابن ابى الدنيا عن ابى خليفة العبدى قال مات لى ابن صغير فوجدت عليه وجدا شديدا
وارتفع عنى النوم فوالله انى ذات ليلة فى بيتى على سريرى وليس فى البيت احد وانى
افكر فى ابنى إذ نادانى من جانب البيت مناد: السلام غليكم ورحمة الله يا ابا خليفة قلت وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله
ورعبت رعبا شديدا فقرأ أيات من أخر سورة العمران حتى انتهى الى قوله " وما
عند الله خير للابرار" ثم قال يا ابا خليفة قلت لبيك قال ماذا تريد؟ أتريد ان
تخص بالحياة فى ولدك دون الناس؟ أفأنت اكرم على الله تعالى أم محمد صلىى الله عليه
وسلم ؟ قد مات ابنه ابراهيم فقال :تدمع العين ويحزن القلب ولا نقول ما يسخط الرب
أم تريد ان تدفع الموت عن ولدك وقد كتب على جميع الخلق ؟ أم تريد أن تسخط على الله
وترد تدبيره فى خلقه ؟ والله لولا الموت ما وسعتهم الأرض ولولا الأسى ماإنتفع
مخلوق بعيش ثم قال ألك حاجة؟ قلت من انت يرحمك الله قال إمرء من جيرانك الجن
“Ibn Abi Ad-Dunya narrated on the authority of Abu Khalifa Al-Abdi who said: I had a young son who died, and I suffered a lot over this, and I had fallen into insomnia. By Allah, one night I was in my house on my bed. There was none in the house. I was thinking of my son. Suddenly a caller called me from the side of the House. (He said :) “O, Abu Khalif, peace and Allah’s Rahmat be upon you”. I said: peace and Allah’s Rahmat be upon you too. I was terribly frightened. Then he recited Ayats from the end of Surat Al-Imran until he ended up saying: “And what is with Allah is better for the righteous” (Al-Imran-Ayat-98). Then he said, “O Abu Khalifa, I said: “Here I am at your service”. He said: “What do you want”? Do you want to be a particular one for the life of your son without the people? Are you or Muhammad (Sm.) more honorable to Allah the Almighty ? His son Ibrahim had died. Then Rasul (Sm.) said: “The eye weeps and the heart grieves, but we don’t say anything that makes the Rob angry.”(Ibn Majah, Hadith no-1589, ابواب ما جاء فى الجنائز) Or do you want to repel death from your child, while it is written on all creation? Or do you want to be angry with Allah and reject His strategy in His creation? By Allah, if there were no death, the world would not have expanded with them and if there were no sorrow, no creation would have benefited from living. Then he said do you have any need? I said who are you, may Allah’s mercy be upon you? He said one of your jinn neighbors”. (Ref.2)
#Satan always makes a promise
and arouses false hope for success. Quran says in this regard-
يعدهم ويمنيهم وما يعدهم الشيطان الا غرورا “Satan promises them (His friends from Kafirs, Mushriks,
and Munafiqs) and gives them hope (That they will be succeeded in this world
and Akhirat)and Satan’s promise is nothing but deception.”(An-Nisa-120)
# Satan inserts enmity and hatred into human beings to refrain them from Allah’s remembrance
and Salah: The Quran says -
يريد الشيطان أن يوقع بينكم العداوة والبغضاء فى الخمر والميسر ويصدكم عن ذكر الله
وعن الصلاة فهل انتم منتهون
“Indeed Satan wants to insert
enmity and hatred between you through intoxicants and gambling, and to refrain
you from Allah’s remembrance and Salah. So, will you not then abstain?”
# Satan fabricates sinful
activities to a human being: Allah the almighty says –
وزين لهم
الشيطان ما كانوا يعملون
“And Satan beautified to them
what they used to do.” (Al-Anam-43)
Allah the almighty saved His
prophets and Rasuls from satanic interference. Allah the Almighty said:
ارسلنا من قبلك من رسول ولانبي الا اذا
تمنى القى الشيطان فى امنيته فينسخ الله ما يلقى الشيطان ثم يحكم الله اياته والله
عليم حكيم
I haven’t sent before you any
Nabis or Rasuls but when he recites (Allah’s Kitab), Satan throws in his recitation
(As Satan threw the name of idolsالعلى) الغرانيق), Allat, Al-Uzzah,
and Al-Manat in the recitation of our beloved prophet (Sm), while he (Sm.) was
reciting Sura An-Nazm at Makka). Allah abolishes what Satan threw in. Then
Allah makes His Ayats establish. Allah is all-knowing and all-wise.
Ibn Manzur said –“العلى الغرانيق is الاصنام or idols”. (Ref.3)
Muhammad Ali As-Sabuni interpreted this Ayat –
“O Muhammad, I haven’t sent any Nabis and Rasuls, but when he desires
something, Satan throws in his desires some of the whisperings to make him
engaged in worldly activities. Ibn Abbas said:
"الا اذا تمنى القى
الشيظان فى امنيته" الا اذا حدث القى الشيطان فى حديثه فيبطل الله ما يلقى
الشيطان ويحكم الله اياته
الا اذا
تمنى القى الشيظان فى امنيته" means -But when he (Sm.) speaks, Satan throws (something)
in his speech, Then Allah abolishes what Satan throws and Allah establishes His
Ayats.” (So, Wahi is pure, undistorted, and unmixed with the whispering of Satan,
because of Allah’s will.) (Ref.4)
Baydawi named as Anwarut Tanzil Wa Asrarut Ta’wil,Author- Al-Qadi Naseruddin
Abu Sayeed Abdullah Ibn Umar Ibn Muhammad Ash-Shirazi Al-Baydawi,Volume-1, page
2. لقط
المرجان فى احكام الجان,
Author-Jalaluddin As-Soyyuti, Page no-129&130
3.لسان العرب, Volume-10,
page 287, writer- Allamah Abul Fadl
Jamaluddin Muhammad ibn Mukarram ibn Manzur al-Ifriqi al-Misri, printed
by دار صادر بيروت
Safwatut Tafasir, Volume-2, page -294, Author-Muhammad Ali As-Sabuni, Edition
-4th, in 1981 A.D. printed in Darul Quran, Beirut, Lebanon
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