Page-29 : Satan's Place of whispering: Satan named Khinzab whispers in Salah: Satan shows false dreams to scare the people: Visibility of Jinn: Death of Jinn: Jinns’ Meeting with the prophet (sm.):
Satan's place of whispering ((وسواسة
عن عبد الله ابن مغفل قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لا يبولن
احدكم فى مستحمه ثم يغتسل فيه قال احمد ثم يتوضأ فيه فإن عامة الوسواس منه “Abdullah Ibn Mugaffal reported that Allah’s
Rasul (Sm.) said:” Let none of you urinate in the area he baths in (Bathroom),
then he takes bath (Ghusl غسل) in it. Ahmad said: Then he performs Wadu (وضوء)
in it because most of the whisperings of Satans are from it.”
)Abu Dowd, Hadith no 27, (كتاب الطهارة -باب فى البول فى المستحم
المستحم الذى يغتسل فيه بالحميم وهو الماء الحار والمراد ها هنا
المغتسل مطلقا
“The place where one takes a bath with hot water is called Mustaham and here is generally meant the bathroom.” اى يحصل الوسواس من البول فى المستحم ثم الغسل فيه أو الوضوء “It means “And whispering of Satans occurs from urinating in the bathroom and then taking bath (غسل) or Wadu/ablution(وضوء) therein ”.
Satan named Khinzab
whispers in Salah:
عن ابى
العلاء أن عثمان ابن ابى العاص اتى النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال يا رسول الله ان
الشيطان قد حال بينى وبين صلاتى وقرأتى
يلبسها على فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ذاك شيطان يقال له خنزب فاذا احسسته فتعوذ بالله منه واتفل على
يسارك ثلاثا قال ففعلت ذالك فاذهبه الله عنى
It is reported by Abul A’la
that Uthman Ibn Abil A’s came to Nabi (Sm.) and said “Oh Allah’s Rasul surely
Satan interferes between me, my Salah, and my Qirat(Recitation from the Quran).
He makes the Salah confusing for me. Then Allah’s Rasul(Sm.) said: That is a Satan called Khinjab, So,
when you feel that, seek refuge in Allah from him( Recite (اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
and spittle to your left side three times. Uthman Ibn Abil A’s said: I did that
then Allah took him away from me.
(Muslim, Hadith no 5738
كتاب السلام - - باب التعوذ من شيطان الوسوسة فى الصلاة)
Satan shows false dreams to scare the people. It is reported in Hadith-
حدثنا عبد الله ابن يوسف حدثنا الليث حدثنى ابن
الهاد عن عبد الله ابن خباب عن ابى سعيد الخدرى انه سمع النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم
يقول إذا رأى أحدكم رؤيا يحبها فإنما هى من الله فليحمد الله عليها وليحدث بها
وإذا رأى غير ذالك مما يكره فإنما هى من الشيطان فليستعذ من شرها ولا يذكرها لأحد
فإنها لاتضره
Abdullah Ibn Yusuf told us,(He said:) Al-Lais told us that Ibnul Had told
me on the authority of Abdullah Ibne
Khabbab from Abu Sayeed Al-Khudri that he heard Nabi (Sm.)saying -“when anyone
of you dreams what he likes, surely that is from Allah. So, he should praise
Allah for that (dream) and he may discuss that dream with others; but when he dreams
other than that from what he dislikes, that is from Satan. So, he should seek
refuge (in Allah) from the evil of that dream. He does not discuss it with anyone,
indeed it will not harm him.” (Bukhari, Hadith no-6985 كتاب التعبير –باب الرؤيا من الله-)
Visibility of Jinn:
وقال القاضى ابو بكر انما رأهم من رأهم لان الله خلق لهم رؤية وان من لم يخلق الله
لهم رؤية لايراهم الناس وانهم اجساد مؤلفة وجثث "And Qadi Abu
Bakr said: "Whoever saw
them, saw them, because Allah created for them a vision, and for those whom
Allah did not create a vision, people do not see them, and that they are formed
bodies and corpses.”(Ref.2)
Death of Jinn:
عن ابن
عباس ان النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يقول “اعوذ بعزتك الذى لا اله الا انت الذى
لايموت والجن والانس يموتون"
Narrated Ibn Abbas (R.)Indeed Nabi
(Sm.) used to say,” I seek refuge in your honour, there is no Ilah but you, who
does not die while Jinn and the human beings die.”(Ref.3)
إبن أبى الدنيا وإبن الجوزى عن يحيى إبن عبد الرحمن القصرى قال حدثنى إمرأة خليد
عن خليدقال كنت قائما أصلى فقرأت هذه الأية" كل نفس ذائقة الموت"ألعمران١٨٥ ورددتها مرارا فنادانى مناديا من ناحية البيت كم تردد هذه ألأية فلقد
قتلت منا أربعة نفر من الجن لم يرفعوا رؤوسهم إلى السماءحتى ماتوا من تردادك هذه
Ibn Abid -Dunya
and Ibnul Jawzi narrated on the authority of Yahya Ibn Abdur Rahman al-Qasri,
he said: A woman of Khulaid told on the authority of Khulaid that he said: I
was standing up while offering Salah. I recited this Ayat:
“كل نفس ذائقة الموت" “Every soul shall
taste death” Al-Imran 185. And I repeated it many times, then a caller called
me from a side of the house: How many times do you repeat this Ayat? You have already
killed four of us, who couldn’t raise up their heads to the sky until they died
because of your repetition of this Ayat. (Ref.4)
Jinns’ Meeting with the prophet (sm.):
عن عامر
قال سألت علقمة هل كان ابن مسعودشهد مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ليلة
الجن؟قال فقال علقمة انا سألت ابن مسعود فقلت هل شهد احد منكم مع رسول الله صلى
الله عليه وسلم ليلة الجن؟قال لا ولكن كنا مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ذات
ليلة ففقدناه فالتمسناه فى الاودية والشعاب فقلنا استطير او اغتيل قال فبتنا بشر ليلة بات بها قوم فلما اصبحنا اذا هو
جاء من قبل حراء قال فقلنا يا رسول الله
فقدناك فطلبناك فلم نجدك فبتنا بشر
ليلة بات بها قوم فقال اتانى داعى الجن فذهبت معه فقرأت عليهم القرأن قال فانطلق
بنا فأرنا اثارهم واثار نيرانهم و سألوه الزاد فقال لكم كل عظم ذكر اسم الله عليه
يقع فى ايديكم أوفر ما يكون لحما وكل بعرة علف لدوابكم فقال رسول الله صلى الله
عليه وسلم فلا تستنجوا بهما فانهما طعام اخوانكم
It is narrated by Aamer, who said: "I asked 'Alqamah: 'Was Ibn Mas'ud present with Allah’s Rasul (Sm.) on the night of the jinn? Amer said, then Alqamah said: 'I asked Ibn Mas'ud: "Were any of you present with Allah’s Rasul on the night of the jinn?" He said: "No, but one night we were with Allah’s Rasul (Sm.), then we lost him and searched for him in the valleys and mountain paths. We said: Jinn flew away with him or he is assassinated secretly. He (The narrator) said we spent the worst night that any people have ever spent. In the morning, he came from the direction of Hera (Mountain), He said (Narrator) and we said: '0 Allah’s Rasul, we missed you and we looked for you but did not find you, and we spent the worst night that any people have ever spent. He (Sm.) said: An inviter of jinn came to me, I went with him and recited the Qur'an to them. He said (Narrator) then he set off with us and showed us their tracks and the marks of their fires. They(Jinns) asked him (Sm.)for food and he (Sm.) said: 'You may have every bone on which the Name of Allah has been mentioned that falls into your hands with plenty of meat on it, and all dung is food for your animals.' Then Allah’s Rasul said: So you don’t get clean with them, (Don’t do Istinja with them) for they are the food of your brothers." (Muslim,Hadith no-1007 Kitabus Salah, باب الجهر بالقرأة قى الصبح والقرأة على الجن
1. Bazlul Majhud Fi Halle
Sunane Abi Daood,Author-Khalil Ahmad As-Sahranpuri, (كتاب
الطهارة -باب فى البول فى المستحم ,
2. لقط المرجان فى احكام الجان Page
-20 Hafez Jalaluddin As-Soyuti
مكتبة القران للنشر والتوزيع
Bukhari, Hadith no-7383, Kitabut Tawuhid,
باب قول الله تعالى هو العزيز الحكيم
4. لقط المرجان فى احكام الجان Page -166- Hafez
Jalaluddin As-Soyuti مكتبة القران للنشر والتوزيع
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