Page 28 : To kill Snake Jinns after warning a third time : Ayatul Kursi is the safeguard against Satan: Whom jinn fears most:
To kill Snake Jinns after warning a third time :
عن ابى السائب انه قال اتيت ابا سعيد الخدرى فبينا أنا جالس
عنده اذ سمعت تحت سريره تحريك شيْ فنظرت فاذا حية فقمت فقال ابو سعيد ما لك قلت
حية هاهنا فقال فتريد ماذا فقلت اريد قتلها فاشار لى الى بيت فى داره تلقاء بيته فقال ان ابن عم لى كان فى
هذا البيت فلما كان يوم الاحزاب استأذن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم الى
اهله وكان حديث عهد بعرس فأذن له وامره ان
يذهب بسلاحه فاتى داره فوجد امرأته قائمة على باب البيت فاشار اليها بالرمح فقالت
لاتعجل حتى تنظر ما اخرجنى فدخل البيت فاذا حية منكرة فطعنها بالرمح ثم خرج بها فى
الرمح ترتكض قال لا ادرى ايهما كان اسرع موتا الرجل او الحية فاتى قومه رسول الله
صلى الله عليه وسلم فقالوا ادع الله ان يرد صاحبنا فقال استغفروا لصاحبكم مرتين ثم قال ان نفرا من الجن
اسلموا فاذا رأيتم احدا منهم فحذروه ثلاث مرات ثم ان بدأ لكم بعد ان تقتلوه
فاقتلوه بعد الثالثة
On the authority of Abu As-Sa’ib, he said, “I came to Abu Sayeed
al-Khudri, While I was sitting down to him, suddenly I heard ( The Sound of) moving something under
his bed. Then I looked for it, Suddenly I saw a snake there. Then I stood up. Abu Sayeed said, “What’s the matter
with you? I said: a snake is here.” He said, “What do you want to do?” I said,
“I want to kill it.” Then he pointed me to a house towards his own house.
He said that my cousin was in this house. When
it was the day of the war of Ahzab, he
sought permission from Allah’s Rasul (Sm.) (To go to ) his family. He was newly
married, so he (Sm.) permitted him to go with his weapon. Then he came to his
own home and found his wife standing at the door of the house. (Seeing that) he
pointed at her with the spear, and she said: Don’t hurry until you see what took me
out. He entered the house and suddenly found a ghastly snake, he stabbed it
with the spear. Then he came out with the snake in the spear which was still scurrying. He said, “I don’t know which one
died faster, the man or the snake .” (After this incident) People of his tribe came
to Allah’s Rasul (Sm.) and said, “Pray to Allah, to return our companion.” He (Sm.) said, “Ask forgiveness for your
friend twice.” Then he (Sm.) said: A group of jinn from Medina has accepted Islam.
If you see any of them, warn him three times. Even then, if it does appear to you,
you can kill him after warning a third time.” ( Hadith no-11389, Musnad-i-Ahmad
Ibn Hambal, Volume—5, Hadiths from Musnadu Abi Sayeedil Khudri, Translated into
Urdu by Moulana Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Rahmania Library, Iqra center, Gazni
street, Urdu Bazar, Lahore. )
Ayatul Kursi is the safeguard against Satan:
واخرج البيهقى فى شعب الايمان عن ابى هريرة ان رسول الله صلى الله
عليه وسلم قال :سورة البقرة فيها اية سيدة أى القرأن لا تقرأء فى بيت وفيه شيطان
الا خرج من اية الكرسى
Al-Bayhaqi included a Hadith
in Shu’bil -Iman on the authority of Abu Hurairah that, Allah’s Rasul (Sm.)
said: There is a leader Ayat in Surat
Al-Baqarah, it means the Qur’an. If it
is recited at any house, in which there is a Satan, he will be out of the house
for Ayatul Kursi. (Ref.1)
حدثنا ابو يزيد القراطيسى حدثنا أسد إبن موسى حدثنا المسعودى
حدثنا عاصم عن شقيق قال قال عبد الله : لقى الشيطان رجلا من اصحاب محمد صلى الله
عليه وسلم فصارعه فتعره المسلم وأزم بأبهامه فقال دعنى أعلمك أية لايسمعها أحد منا
الاولى فأرسله فأبى أن يعلمه فعاد فصارعه فتعره المسلم وأزم بأبهامه قال اخبرنى
بها فأبى أن يعلمه فلما عاد الثالثة قال الاية التى فى سورة البقرة (الله لا إله
إلا هو الحى القيوم ) إلى أخرها فقيل لعبدالله يا أبا عبد الرحمن من ذالك الرجل
؟فقال من عسى أن يكون إلا عمر بن الخطاب رصى الله عنه
Abu Yazid al-Qaratisi told us, (He said:)Asad Ibn Musa told us,(He said:)
Al-Masu’di told us, (He said:) A’sim told us on the authority of Shaqiq, he
said Abdullah said: Satan met a man from Sahabies of Muhammad (Sm.). So he wrestled with him, and the Muslim stripped him
off and clenched his thumb, and he said,
“ leave me, I will teach you an Ayat that none of us had heard before.” Then he left him. He denied teaching him that
Ayat. Then he came back. He wrestled with
him, and the Muslim stripped him off and clenched his thumb. Sahabi said: Tell
me about that Ayat. He denied teaching him that Ayat. When he came back the third
time, he said the Ayat of Sura Al-Baqarah (الله لا إله إلا هو الحى القيوم) up to the end (Of
Ayatul Kursi). Then It was said to Abdullah, O Abu Abdur Rahman, who is that
man? He said, “Who could be but Omar Ibnul Khattab? (Ref.2)
Whom jinn fears most: Jinns fear most human
beings. As it is reported by Ibn Abid Dunya-
واخرج ابن ابى الدنيا عن مجاهد قال بينما انا ذات
ليلة اصلى اذ قام مثل الغلام بين يدى فشددت عليه لآخذه فقام فوئب فوقع خلف الحائط
حتى سمعت وقعته فما قام الى بعد ذالك قال انهم يهابونكم كما تهابونهم
“Ibn Abid Dunya narrated on the authority of Mujahid, he said:
One night while I was performing Salah, Suddenly like a boy stood up in front
of me. Then I used force to catch him. He stood up and ran away then fell
behind the wall even though I heard him falling down. After that, he didn’t
stand up in front of me. Mujahid said: “They fear you as you fear them.”
واخرج ابن ابى الدنيا عن مجاهد قال الشيطان اشد فرقا
من احدكم منه فان تعرض لكم فلا تفرقوامنه فيركبكم ولكن شدوا عليه فانه يذهب
“Ibn Abid Dunya narrated on the authority of Mujahid, he said:
Satan is more scared than any of you. If he exposes himself to you, do not be
afraid of him (If you are afraid of him), he will ride on you (Influence you),
rather you would be tough on him, and he will go away.” (Ref.3)
1. لقط المرجان فى احكام
Author-Jalaluddin As-Soyyuti, Page no-107
2. ألمعجم الكبير ,Author- Abul Qasem Solaiman
Ibn Ahmad At-Tabarani,Volume-09,Hadith No-8824
3. لقط المرجان فى احكام
Author-Jalaluddin As-Soyyuti, Page no-132
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