Page-29 : Satan's Place of whispering: Satan named Khinzab whispers in Salah: Satan shows false dreams to scare the people: Visibility of Jinn: Death of Jinn: Jinns’ Meeting with the prophet (sm.):
Satan's pl ace of whispering ( (وسواسة عن عبد الله ابن مغفل قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لا يبولن احدكم فى مستحمه ثم يغتسل فيه قال احمد ثم يتوضأ فيه فإن عامة الوسواس منه “Abdullah Ibn Mugaffal reported that Allah’s Rasul (Sm.) said:” Let none of you urinate in the area he baths in (Bathroom), then he takes bath (Ghusl غسل ) in it. Ahmad said: Then he performs Wadu (وضوء) in it because most of the whisperings of Satans are from it.” ) Abu Dowd, Hadith no 27, (كتاب الطهارة -باب فى البول فى المستحم المستحم الذى يغتسل فيه بالحميم وهو الماء الحار والمراد ها هنا المغتسل مطلقا “The place where one takes a bath with hot water is called Mustaham and here is generally meant the bathroom.” اى يحصل الوسواس من البول فى المستحم ثم الغسل فيه أو الوضوء “It means “And whispering of Satans occurs from urinating in the bathroom and then taking bath (غسل) or Wadu/ablution(وضوء) therein ”. (Ref.1) ...