Page-15 : Where does Iblis live?: Satan makes a disturbance in Salah: Who is Iblis?

Where does Iblis live?

حدثنا ابو احمد حدثنا سفيان عن ابى الزبيرعن جابر عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال عرش ابليس على البحر يبعث

                                                                                        سراياه فاعظمهم عنده منزلة اعظمهم فتنة 

Abu Ahmad told us, Sufyan told us, on the authority of Abu Zubair, on the authority of Jabir, on the authority of Allah’s Rasul (Sm.), he (Sm.) said:   ”The throne (Seat) of Iblis is on the sea, he sends his troops (from there). The greatest of them to him in rank is he who is the greatest among them in creating Fitnah(Strife/Mischief)” ((Musnad-i-Ahmad, Hadith no-14314, Volume-11, Page no- 431)

عن ابى سعيد ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لابن صائد ما ترى قال ارى عرشا على البحر حوله الحيات فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم صدق ذاك عرش ابليس It is reported from Abu Sayeed that Allah’s Rasul (Sm.) said to Ibn Sa’id, “What do you see?” He said, “I see a throne on the sea surrounded by serpents.” Allah’s Rasul (Sm.) said: This is the throne of Satan.”(Ref.1)

Satan makes a disturbance in Salah:  Our beloved Prophet (Sm.) saidان الشيطان يأتى احدكم وهو فى صلاته فيقول: اذكر كذا اذكر كذا او يأتيه عند منامه فينيمه (نساءى) “Surely Satan comes to one of you when is in his Salah and says –remember such and such, or he comes to him at the time of his sleeping and makes him fall asleep. (Nasai, Hadith no-1349 كتاب السهو-)

Who is Iblis?

As Allah the almighty said- واذ قلنا للملائكة اسجدوا لادم فسجدوا الا ابليس كان من الجن ففسق عن امر ربه “(O Muhammad, Remember the events of that time) when I said to the angels: bow down before Adam; they all bowed down, except Iblis. He was one of the jinns, then he disobeyed the command of his Rob” (Kahf-50).”

 Ibn Kathir discussed in his book “Qasasul Ambia”-

قال الحسن البصرى: لم يكن ابليس من الملائكة طرفة عين قط  وقال شهرابن حوشب: كان من الجن, فلما افسدوا فى الارض بعث الله اليهم جندا من الملائكة فقتلوهم واجلوهم الى جزائرالبحار وكان ابليس ممن اسر فاخذوه معهم الى السماء فكان هناك فلما امرت الملائكة بالسجود امتنع ابليس منه وقال ابن مسعود وابن عباس وجماعة من الصحابة وسعيد ابن المسيب واخرون كان ابليس رئيس الملائكة بالسماء الدنياء وقال ابن عباس وكان اسمه عزازيل وفى رواية عن الحارث قال النقاش وكنيته       

ابو كردوس وقال ابن عباس وكان من حى  من الملاءكة يقال لهم الجن                                                   

“Hasan Basri said-“Iblis never was an angel in a blink of an eye. Shahr Ibn Haushab said: that he was a Jinn, and when the jinns created mischief on the Earth, Allah sent a group of angels to them. They killed them and evacuated (The rest of) them to the islands of the seas. Iblis was one of the captives.  They took him with them to the skies, and he had been therein. So when the angels were commanded to prostrate (Before Adam A.), Iblis refrained from that. Ibn Masu’d, Ibn Abbas, a group of Sahabah, Sayeed Ibn Musayyab, and others said – that Iblis was the leader of the angels in the sky of this world. Ibn Abbas said- his name was azazeel. In another report from Hares, Naqqash said –“His nickname was Abu Kurdus. Ibn Abbas said-  he was from a group of angels called Jinns.” (Ref.2)

غن على ابن محمد بن ابراهيم حدثنا ابو صالح حدثنى معاويه ابن صالح ان العلاء ابن حارث حدثه عن ابن شهاب قال ابليس ابو الجن كما ان ادم ابو الانس وادم من الانس وهو ابوهم وابليس من الجن وهو ابوهم

Ibn Abid -Dunya reported this Maqtu Hadith on the authority of Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim, he said Abu Saleh told us, and he said Mua’wiah ibn Saleh told me that  indeed A’la Ibn Hareth told him on the authority of Ibn Shihab (A Tabei) he said: “ Iblis is the father of jinn, as Adam is the father of mankind, and Adam is from mankind,  he is their father, and Iblis  is from jinn, he is their father.”(Ref.3)

It is also noteworthy here that the angels have no power to disobey Allah’s command.


1. البدايه والنهايه Author- Abul Fida Ibn Kathir, Volume-1, Page no- 59-  بيروت - مكتبة المعارف .

2. Qasasul Ambia by Abul Fida Ismail Ibn Kathir, investigated by Dr.Mustafa Abdul Wahid, 3rd Addition-1977, Page 26, Published by Maktabatut Talebil Jamei’e, Makkah al-Mukarramah.

3. Makayedush Shaytan, Author: Abdullah Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ubayed Ibn Abid Dunya Al-Qurashi Abu Bakr, Hadith  No-32, (This Hadith is of  Hadith Al-Maqtu). Page -13.)



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