Page-20 :Jinns have the power of listening: The history of Jinns' listening to the Quran:
Jinns have the power of listening:
have also the power of listening, as Allah the almighty said-
اوحى الى انه استمع نفر من الجن فقالوا انا سمعنا قرأنا عجبا
“Say, (O Muḥammad) it is revealed to me that indeed a
group of the jinn listened(To it) attentively and said, 'surely, we have heard
an amazing Qur’ān (Al-Jinn-1).
Muhammad Ali As – Sabuni said in his Tafsir-
قال المفسرون استمعوا الى رسول الله صلى الله عليه
وسلم وهو يقرأ القرأن فى صلاة الفجرولم يشعر بهم ولاباستماعهم وانما اخبر به
الرسول بواسطة الوحى
“The commentators (of the
Quran) said: They (Jinns)listened to Allah’s Rasul (Sm.), while he was
reciting the Qur’an in Fajr prayer, and he did not feel them, nor their
listening. Rather, the Rasul (Sm.)informed of that through Wahi(revelation).” Muhammad
Ali Assabuni also said-
والغرض من الاخبار عن استماع الجن توبيخ وتقريع قريش
والعرب فى كونهم تباطؤا عن الايمان اذ كانت الجن خيرا منهم واسرع الى الايمان
فانهم من حين سمعوا القرأن استعظموه وامنوا به ورجعوا الى قومهم منذرين بخلاف
العرب الذين نزل بلسانهم فانهم كذبوا واستهزءوا وهم يعلمون انه كلام معجز وان
محمدا امى لايقرأ ولايكتب
“The purpose of the information about the jinn’s listening is
scolding and rebuking at the Quraish and the Arabs because they were slow in accepting
Iman when the jinns are better than them and very fast to have Iman. Because
from the time they heard the Qur’an, they
glorified it, believed in it, and returned to their people as warners, unlike
the Arabs, the Quran was revealed in their language, however, they lied and
mocked while they know that the Quran is a miraculous word and indeed Muhammad is an unlettered person, who can not read
and write.” (Ref.1)
The history of Jinns' listening to the Quran:
Allah the almighty said in another Ayat:
واذ صرفنا اليك نفرا من الجن يستمعون القرأن فلما
حضروه قالوا انصتوا فلما قضى ولوا الى قومهم منذرين
“And when I turned towards you a
group of the jinn who was listening attentively to the Quran; when they attended the Quran (At the time of
its recitation), they said (To each other): Keep silent;(To listen to the
Quran), then when it (Recitation)was finished, they turned back to their people
as warners.” (Ahqaf-29)
عن ابن عباس رضى الله
عنهما قال انطلق النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم في طائفة من اصحابه عامدين الى سوق عكاظ
وقد حيل بين الشياطين وبين خبر السماء و ارسلت عليهم الشعب فرجعت الشياطين الى
قومهم فقالوا ما لكم فقالوا حيل بيننا وبين خبر السماء وارسلت علينا الشهب قالوا
ما حال بينكم وبين خبر السماء الا شيء حدث فاضربوا مشارق الارض ومغاربها فانظروا
ما هذا الذى حال بينكم وبين خبر السماء فانصرف أولئك الذين توجهوا نحو تهامة الى
النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو بنخلة عامدين الى سوق عكاظ وهو يصلى باصحابه صلاة
الفجر فلما سمعوا القران استمعوا له
فقالوا هذا والله الذى حال بينكم وبين خبر السماء فهنالك حين رجعوا الى قومهم وقالوا –يا قومنا
انا سمعنا قرانا عجبايهدى الى الرشد فامنا به ولن نشرك بربنا احدا فانزل الله على
نبيه صلى الله عليه وسلم قل اوحى الى –وانما اوحى اليه قول الجن
“Reported from Ibn Abbas (R.) he said – Rasul (Sm.) set out In a
group of his Sahabis, intending to go to the Okaz market, while an obstacle was
made between Satans and the news of skies and burning stars of fire were sent
to them. Then the Satans went back to their people. They asked –what happened
to you? They said: an obstacle has been made between us and the news of the
skies and burning stars of fire have been sent to us. They said- nothing has
made an obstacle between you and the news of the skies, but something happened.
So you strike the east and the west of the earth and find out that thing which
has made an obstacle between you and the news of the skies. So those who turned towards Tihama went to
the Prophet (Sm.), while he (Sm.) was at Nakhla intending the market of Ukaz
i-e on the way to Ukaz. He (Sm.) was performing Salah of Fajr with his Sahabis
(R.) at Nakhla. When they heard the Quran, they listened to it attentively.
Then they said –“By Allah, this is that thing which has made an obstacle
between you and the news of the skies”. When they returned from there to their
people, they said - O our people, we have heard an amazing Qur'an. It guides us to
righteousness, so we put Iman in it and will not associate anyone with our
Rob. Then Allah revealed to His Nabi (Sm.), قل اوحى الى,
rather, the words of the jinn were revealed to him.” (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith no-
773- باب الجهر بقراة صلاة
1.Safwatut Tafasir,Volume -29,Page -457 & 458,Author
–Muhammad Ali As-Sabuni,1st
Edition -1981,Darul Quran,Beirut
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