Page-14 : Prayer (دعاء) about Seeking Refuge in Allah (الاستعاذة) at the time of entering the toilet: Who is Satan?The meaning of Sajdah(ألسجدة) (Prostration) to Adam (A.): Animals see the Satans :Iblis leads in sinful activities:
Prayer (دعاء) about Seeking Refuge in Allah (الاستعاذة) at the time of entering the toilet:
كان النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم اذا دخل الخلاء قال اللهم انى أعوذ بك
من الخبث والخبائث
“When Nabi (Sm.) enters into the toilet, he (Sm.) used
to say- اللهم انى اعوذ بك من الخبث والخبائث “Oh Allah, indeed I seek refuge in you from malignant
male and female Satans.” (Ref.1)
(The Muslim scholars of our beloved country
–Bangladesh - recommend reciting أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم when a person enters into
a dark room, starts a meeting, walks into an uncertain situation, walks to a
dangerous place, sees a biting dog is running towards him, sees an aggressive
cow is running towards him, etc. Particularly when someone feels rag or angry or
faces any dangers and difficulties, he has to recite this great sentence. )
Who is Satan?
Aqil Said: والشياطين العصاة من الجن وهم ولد ابليس
والمردة اعتاهم واغواهم وهم اعوان ابليس ينفذون بين يديه فى الاغواءكاعوان الشياطين
“Satans are disobedient Jin. They are the
children of Iblis, and the giant Jinns are the most rebellious and the most
misleading. They are the helpers of Iblis.
They execute (his orders) in front of him as the helpers of
“Allah the almighty discussed the word الشيطان and
شياطين 86 times in
the Quran in different Ayats to warn human beings from the harm of coursed
of Jins and mankind are enormous in number. Their leader is Iblis. Allah the
almighty said - فازلهما الشيطان عنها “Then Satan removed them (Adam A. and Hawa
A.) from Jannat” (Baqarah-36). It means- Satan was the cause of keeping Adam and
Hawa (A.) away from Jannat. So, this Iblis is addressed by Allah the almighty
as Satan in the Quran.” (Ref.4)
The meaning of
Sajdah(ألسجدة) (Prostration)
to Adam (A.):
وقال جعفر ابن محمد وكان السجود لادم سجود تعظيم و تحية لاسجود عبادة
كسجود اخوة يوسوف له فالسجود له فى الحقيقة
هو الله تعالى وادم كالقبلة وروى عن جعفر صادق انه قال كان اول من سجد لادم جبريل ثم ميكائيل ثم عزرائيل
المقربون وعن ابن عباس كان االسجود يوم الجمعة من وقت الزوال الى
العصر ثم الملائكة
Ibn Muhammad said: Sajdah before Adam was a Sajdah for respect and greeting, it
was not Sajdah for Ibadah. It was like Yusuf's (A.) brothers' Sajdah (Bowing
down) before him. Sajdah for him (Adam A.) was Sajdah for Allah the high, and
Adam (A.) was like Qiblah. It is narrated by Jaafar Sadiq, who said that
Jibrail(A.) bowed down first before Adam(A.), then Michael(A.), then Azrael(A.),
then the close angels. It is reported from Ibn Abbas, that Sajdah was done on
Friday from midday to afternoon.”(Ref.5)
Animals see the Satans : عن ابى هريرة رضى الله عنه أن النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم قال اذا
سمعتم صياح الديكة فأسألوا الله من فضله فأنها رأت ملكا واذا سمعتم نهيق
الحمارفتعوذوا بالله من الشيطان فانها رأت شيطانا
It is narrated by Abu Hurairah (R.)that the Prophet (Sm.) said: “When you hear the
crowing of a cock, pray to Allah for His
blessing because it has seen an angel. When you hear the braying of a donkey, seek
refuge in Allah from Satan because it has seen a Satan.” (Bukhari-3303)
Iblis leads in sinful activities:
اذا اصبح ابليس بث جنوده فيقول من اضل اليوم مسلما
البسته التاج قال فيخرج هذا فيقول لم ازل به حتى طلق امرأته فيقول اوشك ان يتزوج
ويجئ هذا فيقول لم ازل به حتى عق والديه فيقول يوشك ان يبرهما ويجئ هذا فيقول لم
ازل به حتى اشرك فيقول انت انت ! ويلبسه التاج (قال الالبانى فى السلسلة الصحيحة)
“Iblis sends out his soldiers In the morning and says –today
who misleads a Muslim, I will wear him the crown. He (Sm.) said: “So this one comes out, and he
says, "I will always be with him until he divorces his wife. Then Iblis
will say- he will get married very soon. And this one comes and says, I will
always be with him until he disobeyed his parents. Iblis will say, “He is about
to honor them. Then this one comes and says: I will always be with him until he does Shirk ( Makes
something or being associated with Allah.) Iblis will say- You, You! And he
will wear him the crown. (Ref.6)
Bukhari, Hadith no-142.
Akamul Marjan Fi Ahkamil Jinn (اكام المرجان فى احكام
الجان), Page-10, Author-Badruddin
Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Abdillah Ash-Shibli, Adjusted and corrected by Ahmad
Abdus Salam, Published by Darul Kutubil Ilmiah, Beirut, Lebanon.
المعجم المفهرس لالفاظ القران Al-Maktabatul
Islamiah Istambul,Turk.
Tafsir Al-Kabir,Author- Muhammad Fakhruddin Ar-Razi Ibnul Allamah Zia uddin
Umar(Rah) ,Volume-1, page -4, 1st Edition ,1308 Hizri year,Matba’tul Azhariah
with Tafsirul-Allamah abis Sau’d in the margin .
Al-Muwahibul Ladunniyya Bil Minahil Muhammadiyya, Author- Ahmad Ibn Muhammad
Al-Qastalani, Investigated by Muhammad Saleh Ash-Shami -Page -85&86 2nd addition,
more and more revised, Printed in Beirut, Lebanon.
6. Silselatul Ahadith As-Sahihah Wa Shaiyun Min Fiqheha Wa Fawayedeha,
Volume-3, Hadith no-1280, page no-274,Author-Muhammad Nasiruddin Al-Albani , مكتبة المعارف للنشر والتوزيع لصاحبها سعد عبد
الرحمان الراشد
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