Page -17 : Evidence for the existence of Jinn :Types of Jinn: Jinns and Satans eat, drink and give birth to offspring:

Evidence for the existence of Jinn:

Abdul Karim Nawfan Ubaidat said in his book : ورد لفظ الجن فى القران الكريم فى ايات كثيرة وسميت باسمهم سورة هى سورة الجن وورد فى السنة المطهرة كذالك ذكر الجن فى مواضع متعددة وكل ذالك يدل على اهمية هذا  المخلوق اذ انه يشاطر الانس فى التكليف قال تعالى (وما خلقت الانس والجن الا ليعبدون)   

"The word jinn is mentioned in the Qur’an in many Ayats, and a Surah is named in their names, that is Surah Al-Jinn. Similarly, it was mentioned in the pure Sunna in numerous places. and all of these indicate the importance of this creature since it shares the assignment with mankind. The Almighty said: (And I created mankind and the jinn only to perform my Ibadat( Az-Zariat-56). All these prove the existence of Jinn. To disbelieve Jinn is tantamount to disbelieving the Quran." (Ref.1)

قال الشيخ ابوالعباس ابن تيمية لم يخالف احد من طوائف المسلمين فى وجود الجن Abul  Abbas Ibn Taymiyyah said, “No one among the Muslim sects disagreed with the existence of the Jinn.” (Ref.2)

Abu Bakr Ar-Razi said:

انها اجسام هواءية قادرة على التشكل باشكال مختلفة ولها عقول وافهام وقدرة على اعمال صعبة شاقة

“Jins and Satans  are airy bodies, capable to appear in different shapes having intelligence, understanding, and power of doing hard and laborious activities.” He also said: الجن سموا جنا لاجتنانهم والانسان انسانا لظهوره من الايناس وهو الابصار  “The jinns were named jinns, for their disappearance, and human beings are named human beings for their appearance to the eye, derived from الايناس means to be visible. (Ref.3) .

Types of Jinn:

عن ابى ثعلبة الخشنى قال سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول الجن على ثلاثة اصناف صنف كلاب وحيات وصنف يطيرون فى الهواء وصنف يحلون ويظعنون“On the authority of Abu tha’labatal Khushani, he said: I heard Rasulullah (Sm.) saying- Jinn is of three groups- One group is of dogs and snakes, one group is that flies in the air and one group is that descends and travels.”(Ref.4) قال السهيلى وهذا الاخير هم السعالى Suhaili said: “This last group is the female demons.” (Ref.5)

وقال وهب ابن منبه:الجن اجناس منهم من يأكل ويشرب وينكح واما خالص الجن فهم ريح لايأكلون ولايشربون  Wahab Ibn Munabbih said: Jinn is of various kinds, among them are those who eat, drink and marry, and the pure jinn, they are wind, they neither eat nor drink. (Ref.6) Ibn Hajar Asqalani reported in his book-

وروى ابن عبد البر عن وهب ابن منبه أن الجن اصناف فخالصهم ريح لا يأكلونولايشربون ولايتوالدون وجنس منهم يقع منهم ذالك ومنهم السعالى والغول والقطرب                                                                                 

 “And Ibn Abd al-Barr narrated, on the authority of Wahb Ibn Munabbih, that the jinn is of various types, pure group of them are airy, and they neither eat nor drink nor give birth to. And another group of them- that happens from them i-e they eat, drink and give birth.  And from them - female demons, harmful ugly dwarf-like creatures, and creatures with big wings like albatross.” (Ref.7)

Jinns and Satans eat, drink and give birth to offspring:

Fakhruddin Ar-Razi said-

    قال عليه السلام فى الروث والعظم انه زاد اخوانكم من الجن وايضا فانهم يتوالدون قال تعالى"افتتخذونه وذريته اولياء من دونى" واما الجن والشياطين فانهم يأكلون ويشربون                                                            


“And the jinn and Satans, they eat and drink. He (Sm.) said: “Your brothers of Jinns have food in bones and dung.” They also give birth to offspring. Allah, the Almighty said: “Do you still take him (Iblis)and his progeny(Jin Satans) as friends instead of Me? “( Al-Kahf-50) (Ref.8)

Ibn Jarir At-Tabari said: وذرية ابليس: الشياطين الذين يغرون بنى ادم ـ    And the offspring of Iblis are the Satans,  who deceive the children of Adam(A.)(Ref. 9)


1.عالم الجن فى ضوء الكتاب والسنةِ, Author- عبد الكريم نوفان عبيدات, Page-8

2. Akamul Marjan Fi Ahkamil Jinn ( اكام المرجان فى احكام الجان), Page-8 &9, Author-Badruddin Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Abdillah Ash-Shibli,  Adjusted and corrected by Ahmad Abdus Salam, Published by Darul Kutubil Ilmiah, Beirut, Lebanon.

3. Tafsir Al-Kabir,Author- Muhammad Ar-Razi Fakhruddin  Ibnul Allamah Zia uddin Umar(Rah) ,Volume-1, page -59, 

and Volume -8 ,page -773,1st Edition ,1308 Hizri year,Matba’tul Azhariah with Tafsirul-Allamah abis Sau’d in the margin.

4.    الاحسان فى تقريب صحيح ابن حبان  , Hadith no-6156

5. لقط المرجان فى احكام الجان    ,Author-Jalauddin As-Soyuti, page no-22

6. Tafsirul Hedayah Ila Bulugin Nehayah, Author –Abu Muhammad Makki Ibn Abi Talebil Qaisi, Page-3890 &3891

7. Fathul Bari,   فتح البارى بشرح صحيح الامام أبى عبدالله محمد ابن اسماعيل البخارىVolume-6, Page-345, Author –Ahmad Ibn Ali Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani,كتاب بدء الخلق - بلب ذكر الجن وثوابهم وعقابهم

8. Mafatihul Gayeb, Renowned as  “Tafsir Al-Kabir” with Tafsir of Abus Saud in its margin, Author- Muhammad Ar-Razi Fakhruddin  Ibn Zia Uddin Umar(Rah.), Volume-1, page -65, Edition-1st.

9. Jamul Bayan An Tafsir-i- Ayil Quran, is known as Tafsirut Tabari, It was Refined, checked, and adjusted text, and  made comment on it by Dr. Bashar Awad Maroof and Isam Fares Al-Harstani, Volume -5, Page-110 )



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