Page -13 :Prayer (دعاء) about Seeking Refuge in Allah (الاستعاذة) from different bad qualities: : Allah the almighty said about extreme old age:

Prayer (دعاء) about Seeking Refuge in Allah (الاستعاذة) from different bad qualities: 

اللهم انى اعوذ بك من الهم والحزن والعجز والكسل والبخل والجبن وضلع الدين وغلبة الرجال

a. “O Allah, I seek refuge in you from the worry, anxiety, incapability, laziness, miserliness, cowardice, the burden of debt and from the predominance of men (people).”(Ref.1)  (“predominance of the men” means- I seek refuge in you from making me under the domination of such people that I have no power to resist them”.) اللهم انى اعوذ بك من البخل واعوذ بك من الجبن واعوذ بك ان ارد الى ارذل العمر واعوذ بك من قتنة الد نيا واعوذ بك من عذاب القبر          

 b.“O Allah, I seek refuge in You from miserliness; cowardice; being sent back to very humiliating old age; the temptation of this world and seek refuge in You from the torment of the grave.”(Ref.2)

   اللهم انى اعوذ بك من العجزوالكسل والجبن والبخل الهرم واعوذ بك من عذاب القبر  واعوذ بك من فتنة المحيا والممات

 c. “ O, Allah! I seek refuge in You from incapability, laziness, cowardice, miserliness, and excessive old age. I seek refuge in you from the torment of the  grave, and I seek refuge in you from the Fitnah of life and death.” (Ref.3)

اللهم انى اعوذ بك من الكسل والهرم والماثم والمغرم ومن فتنة القبر وعذاب القبر ومن فتنة النار وعذاب النار ومن شر فتنة  الغناء واعوذ بك من فتنة الفقر واعوذ بك من فتنة المسيح الدجال اللهم اغسل عنى خطاياى بماء الثلج والبرد ونق قلبى من                           الخطايا كما نقيت الثوب الابيض من الدنس وباعد بينى وبين خطاياى كما بعدت بين المشرق والمغرب                                                                                                                                            d.  "O, Allah! I seek refuge in You from laziness, excessive old age, all kinds of sins, being in debt, Fitnah of the grave, the torment of the grave, Fitnah of Jahannam, the torment of Jahannam, and evil of the Fitnah of wealth; I seek refuge in You from the fitnah of poverty, I seek refuge in You from the Fitnah of Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal. O, Allah! Wash away my sins with the water of ice and hail, and cleanse my heart from all the sins as a white garment is cleansed from the dirt, and let there be a long distance between me and my sins, as You made East and West far from each other." (Ref.4) “Dajjal is called al-Masih(المسيح) because his right side-eye is covered off (الممسوح). He will be the one-eyed man( الاعور). (Ref.5)

Allah the almighty said about extreme old age:

       ومنكم من يرد الى ارذل العمر لكى لايعلم بعد علم شيئاان الله عليم قدير

 “And among you who are sent back to the humiliating old age, So that after knowing he does not know anything. Indeed Allah is all-knowing and all-powerful.” (Sura An-Nahl-70)

“It means who gets old and reaches the humiliating age. Allah sent him back to that humiliating old age so that he comes back as ignorant as he had been in his childhood. So that he knows nothing of what he knew in his youth. That knowledge has gone away due to his old age and he finds himself as if he has forgotten what he knew. His intellect goes away so he becomes like a person who knows nothing. It is said that a man becomes like that at the age of 75. Allah never forgets and His knowledge gets no changes. He is all-knowing about what happens and what will be happened. He is all-powerful over what He wishes. He forgets nothing and nothing can make His wish unable.” (Ref.6)

اللهم انى اعوذ بك من الجوع فانه بئس الضجيع واعوذ بك من الخيانة فانها(بئست)البطانة

e. O, Allah! I seek refuge in you from hunger, because it is the worst bedfellow, and I seek refuge in you from treachery, because it’s a too-bad inner trait. (Ref.7)

f. عن زيد ابن ارقم رضى الله عمه ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يقول: اللهم انى اعوذ بك من علم لا ينفع ومن قلب لايخشع ومن نفس لا تشبع ومن دعوة لايستجاب لها رواه مسلم والترمزى والنساءى وهو قطعة من حديث

“It is reported on the authority of Zayed Ibn Arqam (R.)Indeed, Allah’s Rasul (Sm.) used to say-“O Allah! Surely I seek refuge in you from the useless knowledge, fearless heart (Heart doesn’t have the fear of Allah) dissatisfied soul, and unaccepted Dua (دعاء) to Allah. This Hadith is narrated by Muslim, Tirmizi, and Nasai. It is a part of Hadith.”(Ref.8)


1. Sahih Bukhari-6369,كتاب الدعوة باب الاستعاذة من الجبن والكسل )

2.Sahih Bukhari-6370      -     كتاب الدعوات باب التعوذ من البخل

3.Sahih Bukhari-6367,  باب التعوذ من قتنة المحيا والممات كتاب الدعوة 

4.Sahih Bukhari-  Hadith no-  6368,  الدعوة باب التعوذ من الماثم والمغرم كتاب

5.Umdatul Qari  Sharhu Sahih Al-Bukhari,Volume-23  ,Page-6, Author –Badruddin Abi Muhammad Mahmud Ibn Ahmad Al-A’ini .

6. Tafsir Tabari, Volume -4, page-537,  Author-Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibn Jarir Ibn Yazid Ibn Kathir At-Tabari,   1st Edition -1994, with refinement, investigation, checking, and commenting by Dr. Bashar A’wad M’aruf and E’sam Fares Al-Harstani, Published by Muasasa –Tur Resalah, Beirut, Lebanon.

7. Hadith-1547, باب فى الاستعاذة- كتاب الوتر, Sunani Abi Daud.   

8.Sahih At-Targib wat-Tarhib-Volume-1 –Hadith no -123-Page -161, Kitabul Ilm- باب الترهيب من أن يعلم ولايعمل بعلمه ويقول ولا يفعله  Author-Muhammad Nasirud- Din Al-Albani.Publication of  -Maktabatul Ma’ref lin-Nashar wat-Tawzi’ 1st edition 2000 A.D.





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