Page-16 :Children of Iblis : Two dangerous times for children:Why do dogs bark at night and donkeys bray? Who are Jinns?

Children of Iblis:

Allah the Almighty said: افتتخذونه وذريته اولياء من دونى “Will you then take him (Iblis) and his offspring as friends instead of me?”(Al-Kahf-50)

قال القرشى وحدثنا بشر ابن الوليد الكندى حدثنا محمد بن طلحة عن زيد ابن مجاهد قال لابليس خمسة من ولده قد جعل كل واحد منهم على شيء من امره ثم سماهم فذكر ثبر والاعورومسوط وداسم وزلنبور فاما ثبر فهو صاحب المعصيات الذى يأمر بالثبور وشق الجيوب ولطم الخدود ودعوى الجاهلية واما الاعور فهو صاحب الزنا الذى يامر به ويزينه واما مسوط فهو صاحب الكذب الذى يسمع فيلقى الرجل فيخبره بالخبر فيذهب الرجل الى القوم فيقول لهم قد رايت رجلا اعرف وجهه ولاادرى ما اسمه حدثنى بكذا وكذا واما داسم فهو الذي يدخل مع الرجل الى اهله يريد العيب فيهم ويغضبه عليهم واما زلنبور فهو صاحب السوق الذى يركز رايته فى السوق   “Al-Qurashi said: Bashar Ibnul Walid Al-Kindi told us, Muhammad bin Talha told us, on the authority of Zaid Ibn Mujahid. He said: Iblis has five sons. He made each of them do something of his matter, then he named them- Thabr, A’war, Miswat, Dasim, and Zalnabur.Thabr is the owner of sins(It means he is the responsible for sins ), who orders with destruction, slitting the pockets, slapping the cheeks, and calling the people to (the activities of) the pre-Islamic era. A’war is the owner of fornication(It means he is responsible for fornication), who orders with fornication and adorns it (To the adulterer). Miswat is the owner of lies, who hears and meets the man and informs him of the news. Then that man goes to the people and says to them: I have seen a man whose face is known to me, but I don’t know his name, he told me this and this. Dasim is the one who enters the family with the man. He wants a defect in them (Family members)  and makes the man angry over them.Zalnabur, the owner of the market, focuses his opinion on the market.”)(Ref.1)

Iblis will live in this world up to the day of Qiyamah. He will be remaining  under Allah’s course up to the day of judgment, as Quran says-  وان عليك اللعنة الى يوم الدين” And surely on you is the curse until the day of judgment.” ( Al-Hijr-35) 

Two dangerous times for children:

عن جابر رضى الله عنه عن النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم قال اذا استجنح أو كان جنح الليل فكفوا صبيانكم فان الشياطين تنتشر حينئذ فاذا ذهب ساعة من العشاء فخلوهم واغلق بابك واذكر اسم الله واطفئ مصباحك واذكر اسم الله واؤك سقائك واذكر اسم الله وخمر انائك واذكر اسم الله ولو تعرض عليه شيئا                        

Narrated Jabir (R.) from the prophet (Sm.) he said:” When night falls or dark of the night begins, stop your children( From running here and there) because  Satans spread out at that time. When some time of night goes by, then you let them free. Close the door of your house and mention Allah’s name thereupon( Recite بسم الله), put off your lights and mention Allah’s name thereupon( Recite بسم الله), Cover your water pot and mention Allah’s name thereupon( Recite بسم الله), and Cover your utensil even if you have a problem. (Bukhari-3280 كتاب بدء الخلق-)

Why do dogs bark at night and donkeys bray?

عن جابر ابن عبد الله قال سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول أذا سمعتم نباح كلاب اونهاق حمر بالليل فتعوذوا بالله فأنهم يرون  ما لا ترون واقلوا الخروج اذا هدأت الرجل فان الله جل وعلا  يبث فى ليله من خلقه ما شاء واجيفوا الابواب واذكروا اسم الله عليها فان  الشيطان لايفتح بابا اجيف وذكر اسم الله عليه وغطوا الجرار واكفئوو الانية

“It is reported by Jabir Ibn Abdillah, said: I heard Allah’s Rasul (Sm.) saying - If you hear the barking of dogs and the braying of donkeys at night, then seek refuge in Allah,(Recite اعوذ بالله ن الشيطان الرجيم (because they see what you do not see; Minimize going out when night falls, because Allah the Almighty spreads what He wills from His creation at His night, and close the doors and mention the name of Allah on it, (It means recite بسم الله  at the time of closing door)because Satan does not open the closed door, mentioned Allah’s name  on it, cover the pitcher and cover the plate.”(Sahih Ibn Habban, Hadith no -5517)

Who are Jinns?

 الجن بالكسر اسم جنس جمعى واحده جنى وهو مأخوذ من الاجتنان وهو التستر والاستخفاءوقد سموا بذالك لاجتنانهم من الناس فلا يرون والجمع جنان       

"The word الجن jinn (Kasra with Jim) is the name of the collective race, the singular is Jinni, derived from the word الاجتنان, which means to cover up and to conceal. Jinns are named Jinns because they are hidden from people, so people don’t see them. The plural is Jinnan."(Ref.2)

 As-Sayed Sabiq said:

والجن نوع من الارواح العاقلة المريدة المكلفةعلى نحو ما عليه الانسان ولكنهم مجردون عن المادة البشرية مستترون عن الحواس بصورتهم الحقيقة ولهم قدرة على التشكل         ولا يرون  طبيعتهم      على   

"The jinns are one kind of soul that is Intelligent and made responsible as human beings, but they are devoid of human materials or components and are hidden from the senses because of their nature. They are not seen in their real shape, and they can take an appearance." (Ref.3)


1. Talbisu Iblis, pages no-32&33, Author Jamaluddin Abul Faraj Abdur Rahman Ibnul Jawzi Al-Bagdadi, Helped to publish it, correct it, and comment on it for the second time in 1368 Hijri year, by Idaratut Teba’til Mniriah with the help of some scholars of Azhar  Ash-Sharip, Darur-Raid Al-Arabi, Beirut, Lebanon

2. عالم الجن فى ضوء الكتاب والسنةِ, Author- عبد الكريم نوفان عبيدات, Page-3   

3. Al-Aqaidul Islamiah, Author- As-Sayed Sabiq, page no- 33


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