Page-18 : Iblis begets/ gives birth: The history of the creation of Jinn: Dwelling places of Jinns :Satan’s dwelling places
Iblis begets/ gives birth:
Al-Khazen reported in
his Tafsir from Mujahid, that he reported on the authority of Sha’bi, he said:
انى لقاعد يوما إذ أقبل رجل فقال اخبرنى هل لإبليس
زوجة؟ قلت ان ذالك العرس ما شهدته ثم ذكرت قول الله عزوجل"افتتخذونه وذريته
اولياء من دونى"فعلمت أنه لاتكون ذرية الا من زوجة فقلت نعم قيل يتوالدون كما
يتوالد ابن ادم
“One day I was sitting down, suddenly
a man came and said: “Tell me, does Satan have a wife?” I said: “That wedding, I didn’t witness.”
Then I mentioned the saying of Allah Azza Wa Jalla, (Allah to whom belongs
might and majesty): “Do you still take
him (Iblis)and his offsprings (Jin Satans) as friends instead of Me? “(
Al-Kahf-50) Then I came to know that there would be no offsprings without a
wife, so, I said “yes”. It is said: They beget as the son of Adam begets.”(Ref.1)
The history of the creation of Jinn:
Allah the
almighty said: والجان خلقناه من قبل من نار السموم
And I have created Jinn before (you) from fire flame. ( Al-Hijr-27)
ابن جرير وابن المنذر وابن ابى حاتم عن ابن عباس
فى قوله "من نار السموم" قال السموم الحارة التى تقتل
1. Ibn
Jarir, Ibnul Munzir, and Ibnu Abi Hatim described the Hadith from Ibn Abbas
(R.)About Allah’s saying "من
نار السموم" Ibn
Abbas said: السمومis the hot that kills. (Ref.2)
2. As-Sayed Sabiq said in his book: السموم هو اللهب النار الخالص: pure fire flame is called السموم.
the Almighty also in said Sura Ar-Rahman-: وخلق الجان من مارج من نار “And He created Jinn
from smokeless fire”(Ar-Rahma-15)
" وقال ابن عباس وعكرمة ومجاهد والحسن وغير
واحد "من مارج من نار" قالوا من طرف اللهب وفى رواية من خالصه واحسنه “Ibn
Abbas, Ikrimah, Mujahid, Al-Hassan, and others said: “من مارج من نار” means “from the tip of burning fir, according to
another report, it means pure and the best fire.”(Ref.4)
وقال تعالى حكاية عن ابليس " خلقتنى من نار و
خلقته من طين" “And Allah the highest
said narrating from Satan: “You created
me from fire, and you created him from clay.” ( Al-A’raf-12)
وجاء فى
صحيح مسلم عن عائشة عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم"خلقت الملائكة من نور,
وخلق الجان من مارج من نارو خلق ادم مما وصف لكم
“It is reported in Sahih Muslim on the authority of Ayesha
(R.)from Rasulullah (Sm.) he said: The angels are created from
Noor(Light)and Jinns are created from fire flame, and Adam was created from that
which has been described to you.”( Sahih Muslim ,Kitabuz Zuhd, Hadith no-2996.)
So, it is proved that Jinn is created from fire.
Dwelling places of Jinns :
Burrows and holes are the abode of Jinns. Our beloved prophet (Sm.)
said: عن عبد الله ابن سرجس ان النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم نهى ان يبال فى
الجحرقال: قالوا لقتادة - ما يكره من البول فى الجحر قال كان يقال أنها مساكن الجن “It is narrated from Abdullah Ibn Sarjis,
that the prophet (Sm.) prohibited urinating in burrows. He said :( Hisham said,
one of the narrators)They said (People ( to
Qatada: Why is it prohibited to urinate in burrows? He replied; It is said that
these are the places that Jinns inhabit. (Abu Dawud,Chapter 16, كتاب الطهارة- , باب
النهى عن البول فى الجحر ,Hadith no-29. Nasai- Hadith no-34)
الجحر ثقب فى الارض
تحتفره الهوام والسباع لانفسها - الجحر( Jim with
dammah and Ha with Sakin) is a hole in the earth, Insects and ferocious animals
dig that for themselves. (Ref.5)
وقال ابن كثير :ونهى( النبى
صلى الله عليه وسلم )عن البول فى السراب لانها مساكن الجن “Ibn
Kathir said ; Nabi (Sm.) forbade from urinating in hole.Because the holes are
the dwelling place of Jinns. (Ref.6)
Satan’s dwelling places:
Places of impurity such as grasses heaps of garbage and bathrooms:
البا ما توجد الجن فى مواضع النجاسات كالحشوش والمزابل والحمامات ولذا نهى عن الصلاة فى الحمام واعطاف
الابل ونحو ذالك لانها مأوى الشياطين
“Most of the time jinn is found in places of impurity, such as
grasses, heaps of garbage, and bathrooms. For this reason, it is forbidden to
perform Salah in the bathroom, besides the camels, and so on, because they are
the shelter of Satan.”(Ref.7)
1. Lubabut Ta’wil fi Ma’nit Tanzil, renowned as Tafsirul
Khazen, Author-Alauddin Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim Al-Bagdadi. famous as
Al-Khazen.This book is adjusted and corrected by Abdus Salam Muhammad Ali Shaheen.Volume-3, Page-167.Darul Kutubul
Ilmiah, Beirut, Lebanon.)
2.Ad-Durrul Mansur Fit Tasiril Mansur ,author-Abdur Rahman Ibnul
Kamal Jalaluddin As-Soyuti, Page-78,Volume-24. )
3. Al-Aqaidul Islamiah, Author As-sayed Sabiq, Page -134
4. البدايه والنهايه
Author- Abul Fida Ibn Kathir, Volume-1, Page no- 55- بيروت - مكتبة المعارف
5. Bazlul Majhud Fi Halle Sunanu Abi Dawud, Volume-1, Author
–Khalil Ahmad As-Sahranpuri, Page-184
6. البدايه
Author- Abul Fida Ibn Kathir, Volume-1, Page no- 55- بيروت
- مكتبة المعارف .
7. لقط المرجان فى احكام الجان ,Author-Jalauddin As-Soyuti,page no-38
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