Page-22 : Jinns do not know unseen or invisible(الغائب):Among Jinns there are Muslims and unjust:There are virtuous and sinners among Jinns:
Jinns do not
understand even the unexposed things:
After the death of Solaiman (A.) Jinns have no knowledge of his death. As the Quran says-
فلما قضينا عليه الموت ما دلهم على
موته إلا دابة الارض تأكل منسأته فلما خر تبينت الجن أن لوكانوا يعلمون الغيب ما
لبثوا فى العذاب المهين
"When I decreed death for him (Solaiman A.), nothing gave them
an indication of his death but a creature of the earth ate away his stick; and when
he (A.) fell down, the jinn came to know clearly that, if they had known the
unseen, they would not have stayed in humiliating torment.”(As-Saba -14)
Ibn Jarir At-Tabari said in his Tafsir- يقول تعالى ذكره: فلما امضيناقضائنا على سليمان بالموت
فمات" ما دلهم على موته" يقول: لم يدل الجن على موت سليمان" إلا
دابة الارض" وهى الأرضة وقعت فى عصاه التى كان متكئا عليها فأكلتها فذالك
قوله عز وجل "تأكل منساته" وقوله فلما خر تبينت الجن" يقول عز وجل
فلما خر سليمان ساقطا بإنكسار منسأته تبينت الجن "أن لو كانوا يعلمون
الغيب" الذى يدعون علمه "ما لبثوا فى العذاب المهين " المذل حولا
كاملابعد موت سليمان وهم يحسبون أن سليمان حى
“Allah the Almighty says in His mentioned speech: Solaiman (A.)died when I decreed death for him. “Nothing indicated to them that he had died.” Here Allah says: The jinns did not get any indication of Solaiman’s (A.) death. “But a creature of the earth” And the white ant (Termite) fell into his stick on which he was leaning, and that termite ate it. That is the saying of the Almighty” Which ate his stick.” And His saying: “When he (A.) fell down, it became clear to the Jinns.”Here Allah the Almighty says- When Solaiman (A.) fell down for breaking his stick, his death became clear to the jinns. “If they knew the unseen”, what they claim to know, “they would not have stayed in humiliating torment”. They stayed in humiliating torment a whole year after the death of Solaiman (A.) while they were thinking that Solaiman (A.) is alive.”(Ref.1)
It is proved by Hadith-
عن عا ئشة رضى الله عنها قالت من حدثك أن محمدا صلى الله عليه وسلم رأى ربه فقد
كذب وهو يقول" لاتدركه الابصار" ومن جدثك أنه يعلم الغيب فقد كذب وهو
يقول لايعلم الغيب إلا الله
“On the authority of Ayesha (R.) She
said- If anyone tells you that Muhammad has seen is Rob, (Allah) indeed
he belied, for Allah says: “No vision can grasp Him”(Al-An’am103) And if anyone
tells you that Muhammad knows the Unseen, indeed he belied, for Allah says: “None
has the knowledge of the Unseen but Allah.” (Bukhari, Hadith no-7380, باب قول الله تعالى عالم الغيب فلا يظهر على غيبه احدا-كتاب التوحيد)
Muslims and unjust
Allah the almighty said – وانا منا المسلمون ومنا القاسطون “And among us are
Muslims and among us are unjust. (Sura Al-Jinn-14) Qurtubi said: أى وأن
منا بعد استماع القران مختلفون فمنا من اسلم ومنا من كفر والقاسط الجائر لأنه عادل
عن الحق
It means after listening to the
Qur’an, some had different opinions. Some of us embraced Islam and some of us
disbelieved. القاسط.
Means- the unjust, because he has
turned away from the truth. (Ref. 2)
Virtuous and
sinners Jinns:
The Quran says- " "وانا منا الصالحون ومنا دون ذالك “And among us are righteous, and among us are not so i-e among us are sinners.”(Sura Al-Jin -11)
1. Tafsirut Tabari, Volume -6, page-214&215, Author-Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibn Jarir Ibn
Yazid Ibn Kathir At-Tabari, 1st Edition
-1994, with refinement, investigation, checking and commenting by Dr. Bashar
A’wad M’aruf and E’sam Fares Al-Harstani, Published by Muasasa –Tur Resalah,
Beirut, Lebanon.
2. الجامع لاحكام القرأن Known as Tafsirul
Qurtubi, Author- Abu Abdillah Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Abi Bakr A- Qurtubi,
Volume-21, page- 293 (Tafsir of SurahAl-Jinn)
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