Page -19 : Dwelling places of Muslim and Mushrik Jinns:Jinn in different shapes: Jinns live on the water at night: There are males and females among the Jinns like human beings: Jinns have minds and the power of understanding:

Dwelling places of Muslim and Mushrik Jinns:

Village and mountains and the place between mountains and seas: واخرج الطبرانى وابو الشيخ فى كتاب العظمة وابو نعيم فى الدلائل عن بلال بن الحارث  وفى اخر الحديث قال النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم " اختصم عندى الجن المسلمون والجن المشركون فسألونى أن اسكنهم فأسكنت الجن المسلمين الجلس واسكنت الجن المشركون الغور قلت ما الجلس  وما الغور؟ قال: الجلس القرى والجبال والغور ما بين الجبال والبحار     

"Tabarani and Abus -Shaikh reported in the book Al-Uzmah and Abu Nayeem in the book Ad-Dalael on the authority of Bilal Ibnul Harith, and at the end of the hadith the Prophet, (Sm.)said: “Muslim jinn and the Mushrik jinn engaged in a quarrel in front of me. Then they asked me to fix their dwelling place. Then I fixed (Julas) the villages and mountains as a dwelling place for the Muslim Jinn and for the Mushrik Jinn (Gawor)the place between mountains and seas.”(Ref.1)

    روى ابن ابى الدنيامن طريق يزيد بن يزيد بن جابر احد ثقات التابعين من صغار التابعين قال ما من اهل بيت إلا وفى ثقف بيتهم من الجن وإذا وضع الغداء نزلوا فتغدوا معهم والعشاء كذالك              

The roof of the Houses: “Ibn Abi Al-Dunya narrated from Yazid bin Jaber, one of the dependable Tabei  (تابعى) of the younger Tabeies (تابعين) He said, “There is no inhabitant of such a house, that there is no jinn on the roof of that house. (It means there is Jin on the roof of every house). When lunch is laid, they descend down and have lunch with them, and dinner is the same.” So the roof of the house is also Jinns’dwelling place.”(Ref.2)

Jinn in different shapes: Jalaluddin As-Soyuti said: والجن تتصور بصور كثيرة ويتطورون ويتشكلون فى صور الانس والبهائم والحيات والعقارب والابل والبقر والغنم والخيل والبغال والحمير والطير

“The jinn visualizes in many forms, and they evolve and take shape in the forms of human beings, animals, serpents, scorpions, camels, cows, sheep, horses, mules, donkeys, and birds.”(Ref.3)

Jinns live on the water at night:

 ولا يغتسل خوفا من افة تصيب من جهتهم وقال أبو نعمى فى الشرح: قيل ان الماء بالليل للجن فلاينبغى ان يبال فيه

“Abu Na’mi sid in the book As-Sharh: “ It is said, surely water is for Jinn at night. So, not urinating nor bathing in water will be suitable for the fear of the danger you will face from their sides.”(Ref.4)

*There are males and females among the Jinns like human beings.

Allah the almighty said- وانه كان رجال من الانس يعوذون برجال من الجن فزادوهم رهقا

 “And there are men from mankind who used to  seek refuge in men from  jinn, Then they (Human beings)increase them in arrogance.”( Al-Jinn-6)

It is reported by Muhammad Ali As-Sabuni in his Tafsir:

 قال ابوالسعود كان الرجل إذا امسى فى واد قفر وخاف على نفسه قال اعوذ بسيد هذا الوادى من سفهاء قومه يريد الجن وكبيرهم فإذا سمعوا بذالك استكبروا وقالوا سدنا الانس والجن فزاد الرجال الجن تكبرا وعتوا

  Abus Saud said, a man, in the evening in a desert valley, used to get himself afraid of and says, “I seek refuge in the Master of this valley from the foolish people of his tribe. He meant by that the men of Jinn and their leaders. So, when the Jinn hears that,  they become arrogant and say – we have led human beings and the  Jinn. Then the males of the Jinns get themselves increased in arrogance and boasting.” (Ref.5)

Ibn Kathir reported in his Tafsir-

عن عكرمة قال كان الجن يفرقون من الانس كما يفرق الانس  منهم أو أشد فكان الانس اذا نزلوا وادياهرب الجن فيقول سيد القوم نعوذ بسيد اهل هذا الوادى فقال الجن نراهم يفرقون منا كما نفرق منهم فدنوا من الانس فأصابوهم بالخبل والجنون               

 “ Imam Ibn Kathir reported on the authority of Ikram-he said “Jinns fear human beings as much as human beings fear Jinns or more than that. So, when a man goes to a valley, Jinns flee away from him. Then the leader of the tribe( of a human being) says –“ We seek refuge in the leader of the inhabitants of this valley.  Jinns say –We see them afraid of us as we are afraid of them. Then (When they call them) they come close to human beings and infuse into them dementia and insanity. ” (Ref.6)

Jinns have minds and the power of understanding:

Allah the almighty said - وانا لاندرى أشر أريد بمن فى الارض ام اراد بهم ربهم رشدا     

“And we (Jinns) do not know whether evil is intended for those on the earth or whether their Rob intends for them what is right.” (Al-Jinn-10) This Ayat denotes that the Jinns have got the power of understanding.


1. لقط المرجان فى احكام الجان,Author-Jalauddin As-Soyuti ,page no-39

2. Fathul Bari,   فتح البارى بشرح صحيح الامام أبى عبدالله محمد ابن اسماعيل البخارىVolume-6, Page-345, Author –Ahmad Ibn Ali Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani,كتاب بدء الخلق - بلب ذكر الجن وثوابهم وعقابهم

3. لقط المرجان فى احكام الجان  ,Author-Jalauddin As-Soyuti,page no-22

4. لقط المرجان فى احكام الجان ,Author-Jalauddin As-Soyuti, page no-40

5. Safwatus Tafasir, Volume-3,page-458

6.Tafsir-i-Ibn Kathir,Volume-7,page-394  



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