
Showing posts from July, 2022

Page-22 : Jinns do not know unseen or invisible(الغائب):Among Jinns there are Muslims and unjust:There are virtuous and sinners among Jinns:

Jinns do not understand even the unexposed things: After the death of Solaiman (A.) Jinns have no knowledge of his death. As the Quran says- فلما قضينا عليه الموت ما دلهم على موته إلا دابة الارض تأكل منسأته فلما خر تبينت الجن أن لوكانوا يعلمون الغيب ما لبثوا فى العذاب المهين                                                                                                                          ...

Page-21:Jinns have the power of doing hard laborious activities: Jinns are the divers and builders: Jinns were included in Sulaiman (A.)’s army: Giant and mighty Jinns: Jinns do not know unseen or invisible:

Jinns have the power of doing hard laborious activities: Allah the almighty said:                                                                                                            يعملون له ما يشاء من محاريب وتماثيل وجفان كالجواب وقدور راسيات “These jinns do for Solaiman (A.)what he wants from the beautiful constructions(A.), wonderous monuments(from copper and glass) huge bowls as (large as) tanks, and big cooking pans” (Saba-13) Here تماثيل means monuments, not statues.   Because statu...

Page-20 :Jinns have the power of listening: The history of Jinns' listening to the Quran:

Jinns have the power of listening :  *They have also the power of listening , as Allah the almighty said- قل اوحى الى انه استمع نفر من الجن فقالوا انا سمعنا قرأنا عجبا “ Say, (O Muḥammad) it is revealed to me that indeed a group of the jinn listened(To it) attentively and said, 'surely, we have heard an amazing Qur’ān (Al-Jinn-1).   Muhammad Ali As – Sabuni said in his Tafsir- قال المفسرون استمعوا الى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو يقرأ القرأن فى صلاة الفجرولم يشعر بهم ولاباستماعهم وانما اخبر به الرسول بواسطة الوحى                                                                             ...

Page -19 : Dwelling places of Muslim and Mushrik Jinns:Jinn in different shapes: Jinns live on the water at night: There are males and females among the Jinns like human beings: Jinns have minds and the power of understanding:

Dwelling places of Muslim and Mushrik Jinns: Village and mountains  and the place between mountains  and seas: واخرج الطبرانى وابو الشيخ فى كتاب العظمة وابو نعيم فى الدلائل عن بلال بن الحارث   وفى اخر الحديث قال النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم " اختصم عندى الجن المسلمون والجن المشركون فسألونى أن اسكنهم فأسكنت الجن المسلمين الجلس واسكنت الجن المشركون الغور قلت ما الجلس   وما الغور؟ قال: الجلس القرى والجبال والغور ما بين الجبال والبحار        " Tabarani and Abus -Shaikh reported in the book Al-Uzmah and Abu Nayeem in the book Ad-Dalael on the authority of Bilal Ibnul Harith, and at the end of the hadith the Prophet, (Sm.)said: “Muslim jinn and the Mushrik jinn engaged in a quarrel in front of me. Then they asked me to fix their dwelling place. Then I fixed (Julas) the villages and mountains as a dwelling place for the Muslim Jinn and for the Mushrik Jinn (Gawor)the place between mountains and seas.”(Ref.1)      روى ابن ابى الدنيامن طر...

Page-18 : Iblis begets/ gives birth: The history of the creation of Jinn: Dwelling places of Jinns :Satan’s dwelling places

Iblis begets/ gives birth: Al-Khazen reported   in his Tafsir from Mujahid, that he reported on the authority of Sha’bi, he said: انى لقاعد يوما إذ أقبل رجل فقال اخبرنى هل لإبليس زوجة؟ قلت ان ذالك العرس ما شهدته ثم ذكرت قول الله عزوجل "افتتخذونه وذريته اولياء من دونى"فعلمت أنه لاتكون ذرية الا من زوجة فقلت نعم قيل يتوالدون كما يتوالد ابن ادم   “One day I was sitting down, suddenly a man came and said: “Tell me, does Satan have a wife?” I said : “That wedding, I didn’t witness.” Then I mentioned the saying of Allah Azza Wa Jalla, ( Allah to whom belongs might and majesty): “Do you still take him (Iblis)and his offsprings (Jin Satans) as friends instead of Me? “( Al-Kahf-50) Then I came to know that there would be no offsprings without a wife, so, I said “yes”. It is said: They beget as the son of Adam begets.”(Ref.1) The history of the creation of Jinn: Allah the almighty said : والجان خلقناه من قبل من نار السموم ” And I have created Jinn before (you) from fi...